zoë’s special report: anthropologie opening in london…
Posted in homewares, interiors, stores October 23rd, 2009 by pia



If there is one good thing about my friend Zoë moving away to England it’s that she can tell me all about her adventures in her new place of residence, and visit all the places I would love to visit. The other day Zoë went to the opening of the anthropologie store in london on my behalf, and then sent me a truckload of beautiful photographs and wonderful descriptions of what is in store. I think my favourite installation is the tea bags in the front window, how fabulously creative and so very English. Zoë’s post is now in the guest quarters, so please  click here to read and view her gorgeous photos.

Thanks Zoë!


3. the scenery & food: pretty colours and sounds…
Posted in france, pia's photos, soundscapes October 20th, 2009 by pia




On our way to the Val D’Amour we spent a night in Reims – a beautiful French city in the Champagne region. Yes, champagne.  Oh what a treat it was to enjoy a glass of the bubbly stuff right at the source! I had fantasies of finding a little bed and breakfast in one of the wineries and learning more about the making of etc, but alas we didn’t arrive in the region until after 9pm and had to leave by midday the next day to be able to get to our destination on time.


I did however have just enough time to enjoy a delicious glass of Mailly. The next morning, French Boy and I wandered about the town, I knowing little about where I was or what I was seeing,  and he knowing quite alot. I always feel really lucky to be wandering around this fabulous country with him, he is not only like a private tour guide but he has personal memories to add to each story.

After we indulged in a breakfast of pain au chocolat, croissants, baguette with homemade jam, fresh juice and coffee (me, tea of course), we wandered toward the cathedral, having spotted the towers ahead, pointed straight to the sky. And although I am not religious – despite the fact that my last name in Dutch actually means “by the church” (so ironic!) – I do enjoy history and art, and this particular church is an incredible structure housing both amazing art and fascinating history. From the outside it reminded me of the Notre Dame in Paris. And in the inside at first well, it just reminded me of a church. But as I wandered further through the huge arched nave, and looked and listened, I realised how significant this particular place has been in the course of French history.

Would you like to know what it sounds like inside? I recorded a little soundscape for you, click the play button below to be transported inside as we gaze at the photos I took while wandering through the aisles…

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This is where I stood for the longest while, looking up at those gigantic windows and watching the light flood through. Of all the stained glass windows in the cathedral, these ones made me stop in my tracks. They were so uniquely different to all the others, so modern and creative. French Boy noticed my reaction and lent in to whisper two words to me:  “Marc Chagall”. Oh I thought, no wonder I adore them, what a masterpiece.





I hope you enjoyed my quietish tour through the cathedral. Although this particular post really had nothing to do with the scenery or food of France.


PS Funnily enough there  just happened to be a Canadian village set up in the Reims city square that weekend. How bizarre it was to be eating croissants in this very French town and seeing Canadian flags attached to little wooden huts selling maple syrup, cranberries, beer, salmon, soaps and wool sweaters. It was like being in Montreal, but then absolutely nothing like it. Nice touch to our weekend though!

a very special post in the guest quarters…
Posted in (blog)house news, interiors, pia's photos October 19th, 2009 by pia

PJB_vanloon_IMG_0851 photograph by pia jane bijkerk

Our sweet (blog)house guest Zoë has just left a very special post in the guest quarters for us all and I’ll only give you one hint: it’s about following one’s dreams. Please click here to read Zoë’s post and leave her a special comment. I will write a proper post about it soon once you’ve all read what she has to say. I will just add this though – thank you, dear friend, for sharing your world with us.


2. the scenery & food: quiet moments on the land…
Posted in france, pia's photos October 16th, 2009 by pia




Despite what these images may suggest, it was actually an extraordinarily busy and rather stressful weekend, with not much time to relax. But I was determined to walk the land, a treat I always always do, no matter where I am in the world – its my way of connecting with the earth, a very necessary thing for me to do as often as I possibly can. So off I went, alone, into the surroundings with my camera. It was a short wander, but a beautiful one. I sat on the grass between two fields, the sky was growing grey with storm clouds, and I listened. and watched. and quietened my mind…




I came across all sorts of  lovely creatures, all were as curious about me as I was about them. And then there were the apple trees. Oh the apple trees! Chock full of delicious fruit. We were given a lovely pot of homemade apple compote that French Boy will no doubt open with pure delight this weekend.

Location:  Val D’Amour

In our basket: apple compote, homemade jam, baguettes, camembert, comté, morbier, concoillote, Mont d’Or

To drink: cremant, vin blanc et vin rouge tous du jura


Have a fabulous weekend mes chers amis. Thank you for all your comments and emails this week. I’ll be back next week with some more from our weekend in the Jura, including a late night stroll through an old old town, and a surprise soundscape (have you missed them? I have).

Right now we have some delicious cremant chilling in the fridge. I am about to make a roast pumpkin, carrot and garlic rissotto, with a little green salad to end. And then I’m thinking about a plum cobbler. And a long sleep in tomorrow before I get back to work in the afternoon.


1. the scenery & food: traveling through france…
Posted in france, pia's photos October 15th, 2009 by pia




…is always a delight, even from the passenger seat of a rental car. I am continually mesmerised by what I see, touch, taste and feel. My senses are alight, my heart full and happy.

By the time we arrived to our destination on Saturday night, it was evening, the forest was dark and quiet, the village streets were sleeping…




Location… val d’amour

Highlights on the evening menu…

l’heure de l’apéro… champagne, gougères au fromage…
entrée… arbois blanc – cuvée béthanie,fish terrine, vegetable terrine…
dessertchampagne, choux à la crême patissière

The mean there was plenty, plenty, plenty in between, but these dishes were my favourite this particular night.  I drank and ate alot that evening, and woke up the next day feeling wonderful, not a hang over in sight. Oh the French, aren’t they wonderful lovers of all the good things in life…