flower salon at droog, amsterdam…
Posted in amsterdam, handmade, nature, pia's photos October 23rd, 2010 by pia

Yesterday I took some time out with Yvette (and marie, of course) to explore the flower salon/1 exhibition at droog. It was quite spectacular, in the subtlest of ways. I particularly loved photographer maurice scheltens cut outs, the individual flower displays complete with labels on canvas tables from vlinder en vogel (which Yvette translated for me as ‘butterfly & bird’ – beautiful name)…

and the string gardens

I also loved that you could purchase part of the trunk of a dove tree ( a fabulous idea from flower salon/ contributor jos bregman). So I did, of course. Read more about Jos’ idea here.

After our peruse throughout the gallery, Yvette, marie and I headed to Puccini’s for a hot chocolate. miam.


PS Flower salon/ is located at various locations around Amsterdam, but today and tomorrow are the last days. I will try to see some of the other exhibitions today if I can – if I do, I’ll be sure to share the inspiration with you here in the (blog)house.

sweet treasures #12: made by lennebelle…
Posted in handmade, holland, pia's photos October 22nd, 2010 by pia

…this sweet charm necklace made by lennebelle (a.k.a the lovely Lenneke Kooijman)  looks so utterly charming in it’s glass tube, I could not bare to take it out… until today…

sweet treasures #10: a little plate…
Posted in amsterdam, amsterdam: made by hand, handmade October 8th, 2010 by pia

…given to me by hilde tempelman from atelier tempel here in amsterdam, on the day of my booksigning back in June. It says ‘congratulations’ in Dutch, isn’t it super? I adore Hilde’s work. Click here to see some pics of Hilde’s studio which we visited during the Amsterdam: Made by Hand wander.

I hope you are still enjoying this sweet treasure series because I have a few more for you next week. Also Marjorie has posted her second recipe from her autumn menu in the (blog)house kitchen! Check it out right here.  Have a lovely weekend mes amis!


PS oh and I nearly forgot, today is our 3 year anniversary of living in Amsterdam! That means it’s been 3 years since we first moved into our little boat – I can barely believe how time has flown.

sweet treasures #6: another bag, just because…
Posted in fashion, handmade, stylists own, sydney October 5th, 2010 by pia

…it’s adorable. I found this pretty embroidered silk number in a little vintage boutique earlier this year, in a sweet seaside town outside of Sydney where my dear friend Jenni lives. We saw it together, both fell in love with it and spent the following moments passing it from one to another “no you have it”, “no you saw it first, you should have it” “no no, you have it”. Jenni insisted I take it, so I did. And now it lives with me here in Amsterdam. It’s a lovely summer bag, and even though I don’t get to use it much here in the north, I have it hanging on a hook in my bedroom where I can see it everyday and think of my dear friend.

sweet treasures #5: the other side…
Posted in amsterdam, fashion, handmade October 4th, 2010 by pia

Do you remember this bag? And do you remember I said I’d show you the other side? Well what you see above is the other side. Isn’t it stunning? I love how the two sides are so different. Leslie now has a page on her website for new items she has made, so you can check out all her freshly made bags right here.