a wander here and a wander there…
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos December 18th, 2008 by piablog

…here is a little shop on the spui (pronounced something like “spouw” and nothing like “spew-ee”) straat, in the middle of amsterdam, decked out in all it’s festive finery. I find that reindeer rather lovely, don’t you? although I’m not usually partial to large plasticky animals, but this one does it for me.

and then, do you fancy a sweet doughy treat at the olibollen stand? it will be the perfect snack now that the day is turning to night (oh i know, it’s only 5pm but that’s the way it is round these northern parts!)


PS aren’t you all just a little bit curious about my digital-to-polaroid switch? aren’t you wondering whether I’ve actually managed to tackle the polaroid (unlike you saw here and here)? aren’t you though?

come with me to: the amsterdam xmas market!
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos December 18th, 2008 by piablog

Last sunday I had the pleasure of visiting the amsterdam xmas market at the Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek (which is like a big converted warehouse full of artist studios and a few lovely cafes) with my friend Danielle from The Style Files (btw, have you looked through Danielle’s archives lately? i just did as I needed to find the name of something and there is just so much inspiration there, somehow she manages to find the best interiors and homewares). There were some great stalls, and also these fabulous carollers you see above!

While Danielle and I warmed up with the help of a cup of delicious gluwiijn (sweet spiced warm red wine), we wandered through the market and checked out the goodies. Amongst the selection were some real stand out stalls, including one from Proef

…(I bought some egg nog from them, it was delicious! and innovative), Anna Iwansson and Régis Lemberthe who specialise in sustainable design homewares, Mes Textiles (see below), and the gorgeous jewellery design of Miranda van Dijk called Puur Anders. Miranda’s pieces are quite something, take a look here. I was fascinated with her new material which is a thin soft shoe-string-like material that she carefully crochets into incredible necklaces and bracelets. Stunning.

Hmm, where shall we walk tomorrow? Let me see, perhaps we’ll take a left. no, a right…

amsterdam at christmas time…
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos December 17th, 2008 by piablog

Amsterdam is one of the most enchanting cities to be in at this time of year. With all it’s sparkling lights, markets, pop-up ice rinks and oliballen stands, I can’t help but be wowed each time I step out over the boat bridge and onto the cobblestoned streets. While the air is icy cold and the evening seems ever-present, the streets dazzle like jewels and the beautiful displays in the boutique windows beckon.

So this week I’m inviting each of you to come wander the cobblestoned streets with me here in Amsterdam. Each day I will post a picture of a street scene here in my new home town, something that tells you just a little bit more about my surroundings – it will be a special week dedicated to Amsterdam at Christmas time…

So how about it, will you join me while I wander the streets of Amsterdam this week? If so then get your mittens and warmest woollen socks on. I’ll have a cup of warm spiced wine ready for you upon your arrival. We’ll take a few sips and head out at dusk, slowly meandering through the streets to see what we can see. By the end of the week the night will have fallen as black as can be… and that’s when the magic happens. Enjoy mes chers amis

a sneak peak of the week to come…
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos December 15th, 2008 by piablog

une petite interview, and some doodling…
Posted in personal, pia's illustrations December 12th, 2008 by piablog

A little while ago, Clayton West, creator of the über stylish Australian Edge website which showcases Australian creativity, asked if I would answer a few questions in an interview. I said yes of course! And so here it is, I hope you enjoy it. The photograph of me at the beginning of the interview was taken by photographer + friend David Finato, just the other day. Thanks again Davo! I am a bit more smiley here you see, I am getting better at it I think.


PS the above image has nothing to do with anything, i just felt like doing a little doodling, I was hoping it might make you smile.

PPS also in an attempt to bring a smile to your face, I am going to give you a sneak peak in my next post of what I have installed for you here in the (blog)house next week, it’s going to be fun!