a mid-week musical interlude (sans photo)…
Posted in music, paris, soundscapes August 19th, 2009 by pia

I don’t know about you, but my week has been rather chaotic. Not so much on the outside, but on the inside. My head is full of stuff. It is filled with to-do lists, demands, commitments, negotiations to be made, responsibilities weighing heavy, and emotions riding high. On the outside I may be cool, calm and collected but on the inside, it’s a wild and crazy ride. Rarely does my exterior expose what is going on behind the scenes. But every now and then it will bubble up, and reveal itself to those I am closest to by either snapping a sharp remark, or dismissing their needs. As much as I want to eradicate this behaviour, I am told it is called “human nature”.

What I have learnt though, over the years, is that beautiful sound and music is a wonderful, gentle technique of subjugation. It calms the soul, breathes life into the deepest, darkest commotions of the mind, and warms the heart. When you take the time to listen – just listen – then a sense of renewal is found.

I had no intention of writing all of the above as an introduction to this soundscape but somehow, it happened. And I see it is not without purpose, because what I am about to share with you is a continual, flowing moment of musical interlude that does just that: breathes life and love into a place where commotion is writhe. A moment that almost everyone who visits this special place will experience at some point. It’s a moment when one goes below the cool, calm and magnificent exterior and experiences life under the skin, below the surface, and deep in the veins of this celebrated city. The sound echoes through this labyrinthine nerve center, and penetrates through to its darkest corners.

I speak of the metro Chatelet in Paris. And today, I take you with me as I walk from one of the cavernous tunnels passing by a 12-piece orchestra that plays in this underground mecca, up the stairs and back out to the grandness above. This metro of Paris is very much like one’s mid-week mind. And this music is the strong and gentle breath it needs.

Please press the play button below and enjoy…

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invaded by nature…
Posted in amsterdam, nature August 18th, 2009 by pia

PJB_invadedbynaturethis is one of my favourite sights outside my kitchen window.

Is there anything more glorious than seeing nature run wild in a city? It brings a smile to my face – the raw truth that no matter how much man tries to control his surroundings, nature will always be the ruler of this Earth.

a poster from Paris: Made By Hand…
Posted in paris: made by hand August 15th, 2009 by pia


…hanging in the window at whsmith in paris.

Am I allowed to have favourite photos from my own book? If I can, this would be one of them. I think really its the space that makes the image, and I just happened to be there to take the photo.
And that person on their bike just happened to ride past looking fabulously french. I remember seeing them coming and snap snap snapping to ensure I got them in the shot.

It’s Saturday. I don’t usually post on a Saturday but sometimes I like to. This week went so fast – my head is still a few days behind.

Have you been clicking around the (blog)house this week? There is actually all sorts of things happening. My guest has posted another wonderful travel adventure, check it out right here. And if you go and take a wander to the (blog)library you will see I paid a visit in there too this week, click here to read my post. Yvette, our (blog)house kitchen guest is away right now in sunny France, but she will be back soon to post another delicious recipe. Oooh, I do hope it’s inspired by her holiday destination.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. I plan to relax as much as possible, I hope you can do so too.


a paris weekend: dernier jour
Posted in paris, pia's photos August 14th, 2009 by pia


Moments enjoyed…

  • seeing the fruits of my labour (and breathing a sigh of relief at it’s completion).
  • buying a copy of The Secret Garden to send to my mum.
  • being interviewed like a star.
  • lunch at Louis Philippe (and seeing French Boy’s eyes sparkle at first bite of his boeuf bourguignon).
  • parler avec “le pere” en francais dans un petit cafe.
  • wandering the streets and finding new-to-me old quiet streets.
  • flying through the racks at Free’p’star and scoring 4 great vintage numbers for 10euro a piece (including a little french jumpsuit. If you ask nicely I might be brave and show + tell).


Oh Paris! I look forward to spending the weekend with you again sometime.  ne m’oublie pas…

a paris weekend: jour 3
Posted in paris, pia's photos August 13th, 2009 by pia


Moments enjoyed…


  • seeing my book on the shelf in whsmith.
  • a visit to the DIY, craft and art floors of the BHV.
  • an afternoon bath.
  • an apéro with dear friends and a cuddle with marie at chez prune.
  • sharing a delicious meal with said friends at the gorgeous Hotel du Nord.