paris soundscape time!
Posted in paris, pia's photos, soundscapes August 1st, 2008 by piablog

You’ve all been so patient: not one of you complained after I said I would post soundscapes from Paris last week but gave you none. So I cannot help but give you one of my favourites straight up. Come with me, my (d)ear friends, as i take you with me, picking up where we left off last week – on our way by bike to the esplanade in front of the pompidou, avec le son, where we happen upon a rather cool dude – a busker playing the oud. Please press the play button below and enjoy…

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soundscape series finale: living on a houseboat, part two – the end.
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos, soundscapes, the houseboat July 4th, 2008 by piablog

well folks, this little sound project has been alot of fun. There is certainly something special about looking at still images and listening to sound, isn’t there? It’s quite different to watching a moving picture. While I’ve been making these posts, I’ve been thinking – how would this differ if I used a video camera? It just wouldn’t be the same. It has taken me back to my Uni days when I was studying time based art, although then my focus was making short films with the now vintage technology of 16mm, however I did experiment a little with still images in film-style sequences and I really enjoyed it – so here I am again it seems, rekindling an old flame.

If you have enjoyed this series do not fret, I will be back with more, albeit spontaneously, over the months to come – this week’s series was just a taste to see how you liked it & to see how it might work on the blog medium. And I think it is unanimous that we all love the idea, is that right? so I’ll be sure to keep it as a regular feature. I can think of so many wonderful soundscapes to capture – living in a foreign land, listening to foreign voices, befriending foreign water creatures… the creative possibilities are endless.

But today, on our series finale, I thought you might like to hear what life sounds like for me on the houseboat. While part one was a glimpse of life on the canal when it rains, this little piece captures the essence of my days here – I feel a bit like I am living on noah’s ark, except that instead of the animals living on the boat, they live around the boat and come to visit me regularly. Can you believe this is in the middle of a city? I cannot.

So come on in and follow me…


let’s open a window…


and have a listen. Enjoy…

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Thank you everyone for visiting. It is such a pleasure to share my creative endeavors with you on a daily basis. You have become my muse. Thanks to you, who knows what I shall create next…

soundscape series finale: living on a houseboat, part one – rain
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos, soundscapes, the houseboat July 4th, 2008 by piablog

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a late night stroll through amsterdam, avec le son (with sound)
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos, soundscapes July 3rd, 2008 by piablog

It’s nearly nine (du soir), and I have just poured myself a glass of vin blanc. I am exhausted. It’s been a hectic day, and I need a good night’s sleep to get me through tomorrow’s shoot. But, before I put head to pillow, would you fancy coming for a wander with me?

Since we’ve had breakfast and tea in Paris, chatting with old men about the delights of Corsica and an after lunch laze-about in the Jardin Du Luxembourg in the afternoon: now it’s time for a late night stroll in Amsterdam, through the canal district. On this wander, we might see some of Amsterdam’s funny crooked buildings, find a stylish old wooden dinghy, peek through the window of someone’s beautifully decorated home, find some cool boutiques, and stop by a canal to take in the incredible view.

So come on, let’s see what we find along the way – but mind your step, the cobblestones do tend to jump out at you every now and then in the dark…

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une petite surprise, part deux
Posted in paris, pia's photos, soundscapes July 1st, 2008 by piablog


i thought we should linger in paris a little while longer, perhaps catch some sun and unwind for the afternoon. would you like to? except this time you have to guess where we are (i will put the answer in the comments so as not to drive you crazy). so click on the play button below while i transport you to one of my favourite quiet(ish) sanctuaries of paris

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