soundscape series 3: finale
Posted in personal, pia's music, pia's photos, soundscapes, sydney September 19th, 2008 by piablog


As the day turns into night, we will hear our last soundscape for this series. Here, I take you with me into a most intimate moment: a time of evening when I am in Sydney, just before dinner. My Dad is cooking in the kitchen, my Mum is nearby and I decide to play a tune on the piano as the sky turns from pink to the deepest, darkest blue. I haven’t played this piano in a while and it is out of tune and dusty, which is quite how I like it. But now is the time I must let you know, I never play with an audience. I have only ever played for family and very close friends, and then, not even. So this is a very intimate moment…like opening a hidden away jewellery box and hearing a secret little song, this time, I play for each of you.

Please click the play button below…

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…and be patient while I prepare my seat. The night sky takes the stage…


…I lift the lid of my old friend…


…I click on the lamp…



…and I play. Just for you. Please enjoy…







**Update: If you’d like to hear more of my piano playing, please click here. Thank you. xx

soundscape series 3, part two: beachside
Posted in nature, pia's photos, soundscapes, sydney September 18th, 2008 by piablog


It’s early morning and the sun is shining. So let’s take a stroll to the other side of the peninsula where there is no land in sight for as far as the eye can see, and the ocean is wild and carefree.

Here the sea is anything but calm, yet it’s deafening voice stops all train of thought. Cast your woes to the waves and let your spirit fly, for this is the place where no boundaries lie. Perhaps you can build a sandcastle or watch for sea creatures. Or surf, dive, or cartwheel on the golden shore. It’s your moment. Do with it what you will.

Please click on the play button below to be whisked away, beachside….

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soundscape series 3, part one: bayside
Posted in nature, pia's photos, soundscapes, sydney September 17th, 2008 by piablog

Grab your hat and favourite book. Roll up your jeans and come sit down next to me on the sand. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and listen. Enjoy…

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paris soundscape, series 2 finale…
Posted in paris, pia's photos, soundscapes August 5th, 2008 by piablog


okay okay, let’s have one more bit of fun before we officially declare this week started… so this is it, the final soundscape from my last trip to Paris. I hope you’ve enjoyed these ones as much as I have enjoyed recording them. Please press the play button below to be transported to the magnificent carousel at the foot of the hill of the sacre cœur, where we sit and listen to the children playing (and crying as you will hear!), the breeze blowing through the tree tops and edith singing one of her fabulous tunes. It was a rather magical moment that I hope you enjoy too…

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Author’s note: Don’t do what I did… I was sitting on the bench watching the merry-go-round intensely while I snapped photos, observing the action of all the kids going around and around. I turned away after half an hour of watching, looked at French Boy rather pale and said “I don’t feel so well”.

After that we walked to Le Progrès for a drink and it took me a good hour before my nausea subsided.

The End.

fancy meeting me for a drink in montmatre?
Posted in paris, pia's photos, soundscapes August 3rd, 2008 by piablog

Please press the play button below to be whisked away with my for a little sunday afternoon apéritif at Le Progrès, in Montmatre, Paris

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I’ll go grab us some drinks at the bar, what would you like?



Isn’t this place great? It’s one of my favourites. Have a look at the original ceiling…


Looks like the kitchen isn’t open yet…


Well, I best get back to work. Would you join me here again sometime?
