rain can be such sweet inspiration…
Posted in (blog)house news, etsy favourites November 23rd, 2009 by pia


How incredibly gorgeous are these translucent porcelain cups by stepanka? They even have little rainclouds in the bottom…


Go and check out the rest of stepanka’s creations – no doubt you will flip out like I did when you find the abc cups, the polka dot cups, and double cup set.  I was going to save them for my upcoming holiday gift ideas bonzanza but I couldn’t resist! They are too darling and I want all of them.


PS Cath just posted the next incredible sequel to her Spain adventure in the (blog)house guest quarters, it will brighten your day for sure! Click here to read her post. Thank you dear Cath.

PPS it is so rainy here!

welcome Cath Conroy, our new guest in the guest quarters…
Posted in (blog)house news, photographers November 17th, 2009 by pia

IMAGE004sagradaguadiphotograph by Cath Conroy

Remember last week I posted about photographer Al Jensen? Well this week, I’m delighted to let you know that his lovely partner and photographer (and newcomer to Amsterdam) Cath Conroy is in da (blog)house. Over the coming couple of weeks, Cath will be sharing some of her stunning photographs of their recent trip to Spain. Click here to read her first post. Thank you dear Cath!


PS this is spooky coincidental but both Zoë and Cath  – who don’t know each other  – come from Brisbane, and when Zoë left Amsterdam, Cath arrived! How unexpected to have a Brisbane friend leave, and meet another all at the same time. Also just in case you’re wondering, Zoë  has temporarily vacated the guest quarters while she enjoys sunny Queensland. She will come back though (won’t you, Zoë?).

a very special post in the guest quarters…
Posted in (blog)house news, interiors, pia's photos October 19th, 2009 by pia

PJB_vanloon_IMG_0851 photograph by pia jane bijkerk

Our sweet (blog)house guest Zoë has just left a very special post in the guest quarters for us all and I’ll only give you one hint: it’s about following one’s dreams. Please click here to read Zoë’s post and leave her a special comment. I will write a proper post about it soon once you’ve all read what she has to say. I will just add this though – thank you, dear friend, for sharing your world with us.


thank you for the mention: inside out magazine!
Posted in (blog)house news, paris: made by hand August 10th, 2009 by pia

insideout1 Left: some gorgeous new page spreads from the latest issue of inside out, out now Right: a list of fab blogs mentioned in the latest issue…

While reading Ebony’s fab blog hello sandwich the other day, I was delighted to discover her post about Inside Out magazine mentioning a bunch of terrific blogs in their latest issue, and one of them was mine! I think this may be my very first magazine mention for my little (blog)house here. That’s special.

It was a great surprise to end my busy week, thank you Inside Out.  Also, I can’t wait to see their magazine redesign, apparently there are all sort of handmade touches added, and new fonts, and oh, it sounds marvellous…


If you have never been into the offices of a magazine, above is a pic of what you would see  – a wall of page spreads from the upcoming issue that the magazine team are working on. It’s one of my favourite sights – seeing the whole magazine on the wall like a work of art. This one above is from Inside Out, showing their page layout for the current issue. Cool non? Check out the Creative Director’s post about the magazine redesign here.

in the guest quarters: made by hand in kyoto…
Posted in (blog)house news August 7th, 2009 by piablog

zoe_kyoto2photograph by zoë yule

My (blog)guest Zoë has written a wonderful post about a trip she made to Kyoto visiting the shops and ateliers of this ancient city’s traditional crafts people.

I remember when Zoë first told me about this trip – she described the most incredible tiny shops which she had found in a little book called Old Kyoto. It was right at the time I had finished writing Paris: Made By Hand – needless to say I was completely enraptured by her fabulous adventure and I’m thrilled that she is sharing it with all of you.

Please click here to read Zoë’s post called “Of painted clouds and gravels seas”. Thank you Zoë!