sun shower…
Posted in amsterdam, nature, pia's photos September 25th, 2010 by pia

This morning I woke up to a beautiful sun shower. The rain looked like tiny, thin light beams falling from the sky.

Yesterday I had an idea. I have a collection of beautiful things gathering here in my little boat home – sweet treasures that have been given or sent to me, and lovely pieces I’ve been meaning to show you for some time. So instead of letting them gather & gather in the hope that I find time to share their stories with you, I thought that starting next week, I will take a photograph of each item every day and post them here in the (blog)house. I won’t write about the item, I’ll just post a photograph and maybe share a link or two directing you to where the item came from.

Would you enjoy that? I hope so.

And here is something I came across via vanessa during the week which I thought was rather fabulous, funny and oh so true. I’ve printed it out and taped it to my wall as a reminder, you might get a kick out of it too (find it here).

Enjoy your weekend, mes amis.

orange babies update…
Posted in africa, amsterdam, fashion, humanist September 24th, 2010 by pia

Mes amis, do you remember last year I wrote a post asking for childrens clothes on behalf of  House of Orange, the agency that represents my styling portfolio here in Holland? The request for clothes was for their charity organisation – Orange Babies – which works tirelessly to help HIV infected women and their children in Africa. To jog your memory, click here to read my original post about it, and also the post with the postcard  photographs (pictured below) we made displaying some of the clothes sent in, featuring some seriously sweet local amsterdam kids…

I’m pleased to let you know that the clothes made it to the children in Namibia and House of Orange wrote all about it on their blog last month. They wrote a post about each of the 6 days they spent there, including the day they held a little fashion show for the kids. There are heaps of photos, and the posts are inspiring and very moving. Click here to read them all, and be sure to scroll down to the end of the page to start with so you can read the days events chronologically.

It’s wonderful to see and read the results of this special project  – to know that the clothes that were sent in have made it to their destination. 3 cheers for House of Orange and Orange Babies, and thank you again to all who sent in clothes.


thank you for the mention: 101 woonideeën…
Posted in amsterdam, amsterdam: made by hand, DIY September 24th, 2010 by pia

101 woonideeën is a Dutch interior magazine filled with lots of DIY ideas and home inspiration. In the current October issue they wrote a little piece about me and Amsterdam: Made by Hand in their woonnieuws section. Thank you 101 woonideeën!  They also have a blog (in Dutch), you can check it out right here.

the 5:30pm view from my desk…
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos September 22nd, 2010 by pia

thank you: belle…
Posted in amsterdam, amsterdam: made by hand September 13th, 2010 by pia

A little while ago I was contacted by travel writer Robert La Bua who was writing an article for the very special “australian issue” of Belle magazine. His topic? Six creative aussies who live in faraway cities. The australian issue (october/november) is now out in stores across Australia, and on page 183 you will find me and my adopted city, Amsterdam…

It’s a great article that includes photographer Carla Coulson (for Paris), and architect Carl Pickering (for Rome). There are heaps of  insider recommendations for each city from each expat, so if you are planning a trip to Europe in the near future, then you’ll want to read this article for sure.  Thank you Robert and Belle for including me in this lovely line up of aussie expats.