An’s lavender light up for auction…
Posted in artists, humanist, interiors November 11th, 2009 by pia

An_artwalkNYAn Hoang’s oil on canvas, Lavender Light

As part of the Art Walk NY (which is a benefit for the coalition for the homeless), my friend and artist An Hoang has donated one of her beautiful paintings called ‘lavender light’ for the auction. You can view all the works in the auction online (click here) and if you’re interested in bidding but can’t go to the event which is on November 17 in New York City, you can still place absentee bids by contacting the organisers (check details online here).

I love An’s work, and this painting is one of my favourites. Whoever wins Lavender Light at the auction will be one lucky soul, with a discerning eye for fabulous art.


the remnants of last night’s impromptu soirée
Posted in personal, pia's photos, the houseboat November 10th, 2009 by pia







interior inspiration from photographer alan jensen…
Posted in interiors, photographers November 9th, 2009 by pia

alanjensen2Love those kitchen floorboards.

It’s Monday morning for me here in Amsterdam, I’ve just finished writing another chapter/wander for Amsterdam: Made by Hand and now I’m ready for a tea break. So I thought I’d come and visit the (blog)house, do a little posting, a little commenting, a little sprucing. Today I want to share with you a beautiful country house photographed by new-to-amsterdam-and-aussie-like-me Alan Jensen. I met Al and his partner Cath Conroy the other day – both Al and Cath are photographers too.  I asked Al and Cath if they’d share some of their fabulous work here in the (blog)house and Al – who specialises in lifestyle and interior photography  – sent me these photographs that he took of a home in the stunning hinterland of northern NSW (Cath will be sending some of her work soon). The hinterland is one of my favourite places in the world (I’m hoping to take French Boy there early next year), and Al’s images of this house are gorgeous, highlighting the relaxed, livable, stylish and full of character nature of this style of home…


Beautiful non? Oui. Thanks Al for the Monday morning hit of inspiration, I’ll be daydreaming about this white wooden walled country home nestled in a little village surrounded by rainforest…


ALAN005REAL_LIVING02Photography by Alan Jensen, styling by Sam Moiler

salt & pepper, anyone?
Posted in etsy favourites, homewares November 6th, 2009 by pia


Last week on my etsy favourites post I mentioned there was something in  sadie olive that I really really wanted. Today reader Judith reminded me in a comment that I had not yet revealed what it was, and that although she wasn’t losing sleep over it still, she was curious. So, Judith, this post is for you! And for anyone else out there who was curious about my ‘must have’ item. It was in fact these sweet little antique s&p shakers – are they not the most darling things you have ever seen?

I just bought them. Because well, I think I will sleep a little better now that I know they will soon be mine.

sneak peek: inside out christmas magazine…
Posted in christmas ideas November 5th, 2009 by pia

_ioxmas_glenproebstelwrappitheme party, styled by glen proebstel and photographed by sam mcadam for inside out

Can you believe it’s only 7 weeks until Christmas? I cannot. This year I’ll be spending it back home with  my family, soaking up the sun and enjoying the festivities, beach side. I am keen to do another holiday decorating ideas and gifts bonanza like last year, with my ‘enhance the everyday’ styling philosophy, I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am. I’ve been collecting all sorts of goodies and ideas to share with you and I’ll start them in a few weeks (must finish book first!) but for today, I wanted to get you into the spirit and excitement of the holiday season with a sneak peek at the inside out Christmas issue. The Christmas issue is one issue I never miss – full of beautifully decorated homes, holiday decorating essentials that are often handmade, and a fabulous menu that is always a visual feast (I’ve heard on the grapevine that this issue features a wonderful maggie beer’s turkey story).   This year looks to be just as fabulous and I can’t wait to see it in person. Lee Tran Lam, deputy chief sub editor of inside out has kindly obliged and offered us (that’s you and me) a rather exclusive peek at some of the pages inside, would you like to see?



_ioxmas_vanessabestbuys4styling by vanessa colyer tay and photography by sam mcadam .

I love those paper and wood trees. The one on the wall reminds me of my cardboard tower, remember? Oh that was fun. Here’s another little sneak peek inside the magazine…




The story above is featuring some of the paper work of Jo Neville. Jo has a fabulous all-things-papery boutique in Sydney called Paper Couture.  It’s a destination for stylists and lovers of paper but not only for the incredible stock (and location) but also for inspiration.

You can find out a bit more about the Christmas issue of inside out by clicking here and here. Thank you very much for the  sneak peek Lee Tran!