I love the combination of the old and new in Paris. The city and it’s architects manage to embrace modernity and celebrate antiquity at the same time, finding a fabulous balance between the past and present. In this photograph I took yesterday, the centre pompidou materialises at the end of an ancient alleyway.
As I get deeper and deeper into the heart of paris, I am finding beauty in the most unexpected places. I adore the colour of this wall, and I’m not sure how well it translates in a photograph but while I was out walking around it just appeared before my eyes, and took my breath away…
Sorry for my lack of posts while I’ve been in Paris this time around. But the good news is that I have managed to capture a couple of lovely soundscapes, which I really hope you will like! I shall post them next week.
à bientot! xx
You may have noticed it’s been another busy couple of weeks for me, and tonight I am back to Paris for the coming few days for work. If you are dying to know what I am up to I promise all will be revealed very soon! I will try to post a photo a day like I did last time, and I also hope to capture a couple of soundscapes for you while there, and will post them next week. à bientot! xx
i thought we should linger in paris a little while longer, perhaps catch some sun and unwind for the afternoon. would you like to? except this time you have to guess where we are (i will put the answer in the comments so as not to drive you crazy). so click on the play button below while i transport you to one of my favourite quiet(ish) sanctuaries of paris…
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