self-portrait, now…
Posted in personal, pia's photos December 29th, 2008 by piablog

…taken on le petit bateau last month. poladroided.

self portrait, then…
Posted in personal, pia's photos December 28th, 2008 by piablog

…I found this photo sitting on my mum’s sideboard. I am just 17. I remember taking the photo in my bedroom, with my canon AE-1. This is how I spent my saturday nights, I was more interested in experimenting with my camera and developing the film above anything else. And I was too shy to ask for models so I always used myself. I remember, I developed this roll of film on the following monday at school, choosing sepia tone over straight black and white.

I’m very excited to announce…
Posted in personal December 21st, 2008 by piablog

… that at this moment I am on the plane, bound for surf & sunshine. Yes that’s right, I’m on my way to my beloved hometown!!!

It’s been a manic few weeks organising myself in time to make this flight. Being a freelancer you can never be sure when you will be booked, and so it goes that I’ve been very busy in the lead up to this trip and have been madly juggling things to be able to have this time off.

So it’s with absolute delight I inform you that French Boy and I will be spending Christmas down under with my family this year. It will be French Boy’s first EVER trip to Australia and his first EVER hot Christmas!! I can tell you, he is very, very excited. Which makes me even more excited to know that he is so excited! This sort of enthusiasm is contagious.

French Boy, as it turns out, has not had 4 weeks off in a row since he was a student over 10 years ago. Incroyable, non? So I must make sure he enjoys himself thoroughly on this very special trip to my homeland. I have a few dates organised, ideas of places to take him, and wonderful sights in mind for us to experience together. I cannot wait to show him ‘my life’ – where I went to school, all the places I used to live, my neighbourhood, my local hang outs. And most of all, I can’t wait to introduce him to my wonderful mum and dad. It will be the first time he will meet them. Wow. what an anxious moment that will be for all of us (do you remember what I wrote in this post?! poor boy!) I do hope they like him, and he them. I don’t doubt they will all get on well, but you can never be sure about these things can you.

So what does that mean here in the (blog)house, do I hear you wonder – will I be here? Of course I will! But I will take a little break from the intensity of my posts and instead I will select a random photograph each day from my personal albums (I have been saving so many for this, I hope you will love them!), my styling portfolio, as well as new styling work that I haven’t yet had a chance to update my portfolio with – you will be the first in fact, to see them over the coming month.

But that’s not all! Remember the other day, I mentioned that I was jumping out of my skin with excitement, for something very special I have planned for you this Monday? I might be in mid air but that doesn’t mean I leave YOU high and dry mes chers amis. So please stay tuned and make sure you come back tomorrow as there is something very special for you that I positively insist you stop by for – its a little treat to say thank you for being such wonderful friends this past year as this week is my blog’s first year anniversary. And I insist we celebrate in style, with something über stylish…

…but that’s all I will say for today! Oh and this: I have enjoyed this year with each of you so very much, thank you.

Until tomorrow!


PS okay okay, one more hint for my surprise – it is my first EVER giveaway!!
PPS okay, one more hint and that is it – it will be sent to one of you, from Australia. Ha!


PPS no, it is not a kangaroo.

jumping out of my skin…
Posted in personal December 18th, 2008 by piablog

…just a quick message to let you know i have something fabulous planned for you next week. i can barely control my excitement. I will post it first thing monday morning so make sure you are here in the (blog)house then (i will give you a clue: it has something to do with it being my very first blog anniversary!!). meanwhile i have been flat out this week with shoots, and getting ready for something special planned for me this weekend! I will tell you that shortly too!

anyway, that’s all i have to say. i must dash – i’m on search for the perfect lounge for a shoot tomorrow. argh! will be back tonight to post some more… oh I have so much to tell you over the next few days!


une petite interview, and some doodling…
Posted in personal, pia's illustrations December 12th, 2008 by piablog

A little while ago, Clayton West, creator of the über stylish Australian Edge website which showcases Australian creativity, asked if I would answer a few questions in an interview. I said yes of course! And so here it is, I hope you enjoy it. The photograph of me at the beginning of the interview was taken by photographer + friend David Finato, just the other day. Thanks again Davo! I am a bit more smiley here you see, I am getting better at it I think.


PS the above image has nothing to do with anything, i just felt like doing a little doodling, I was hoping it might make you smile.

PPS also in an attempt to bring a smile to your face, I am going to give you a sneak peak in my next post of what I have installed for you here in the (blog)house next week, it’s going to be fun!