I’ll get to the reason for the title in a moment, but for now i delight in telling you that the sun is shining hard on Amsterdam today and boy oh boy does it make a difference!
Here is how:
1. When I sat on my bike seat it was warm – yes warm, as opposed to freezing cold and wet from rain. That is quite phenomenal. I’m not even sure if I’ve ever experienced that sensation here. Or if I have, it was so long ago that I’ve forgotten.
2. It hasn’t rained in more than 48 hours! Also phenomenal, also not sure I’ve ever experienced that in the year that I’ve lived here.
3. The water reflections are dancing on the ceiling again, and you know how I love that.
4. For much of the day I did not have to turn on the lights in the boat.
5. I had to squint while riding as the sun was right in my face. Right in my face! Also phenomenal.
6. Everyone is in the streets walking with a spring in their step and smiles on their faces.
7. All the cafes have their outdoor chairs and tables out and people are enjoying an afternoon beverage outdoors for the first time in months.
In other news, did you catch my debut on Design For Mankind’s Dialogue video series yesterday? I have just two words for you: total! dork!
No doubt I’ve ruined the fantasy that some of you may have had that I might be this eloquent being, full of wisdom and inner stylishness(or is that my fantasy?!)…
So I do apologise for that. Thankfully in the last decade or so I have developed a sense of humor about myself. So I am not losing sleep over the fact that I look like a total! dork!, but rather getting a fit of the giggles at the sight of my large head, little shoulders, & huge fringe/bangs combo. Next time I will ditch the fringe and sit back a little so that I’m in proportion. Or sport some shoulder pads perhaps.
But on a serious note, the topic was great! And I actually had a lot of fun answering Erin’s questions. I loved Lisa’s remark about ensuring she is not dependent on making money from her art so that her art stays pure. And also Erin’s remark about the more you earn, the more you spend. And did you know that Faythe is the author of Handmade Nation, and that she shot her sequence in the hotel room she is staying in Melbourne, Australia! Yep, she’s touring with her documentary and book, and she just happens to be in Melbourne right now. Check out her fabulous work here.
I will be back in a couple of episodes or so, for those of you who can see past my big head, little shoulders, huge fringe AND funny accent combo I thank you, and look forward to your company for my next appearance.
In other other news, I have come to the lowest point possible in my ability to keep a clean and tidy home. On the kitchen bench today sat 2 days worth of dishes. And my friend Riley just happened to pop in for a cuppa at which point I came to a halting realisation that I am a pig. So after apologising profusely the entire time she visited and trying to convince her (or me) that I am usually not like this, I spent my afternoon cleaning the kitchen and muttering to myself under my breath, “I’m such a bad housekeeper”. I even polished all the wooden trims. And now I’m off to bake cookies.
Riley darling, its safe to come back now.
Well, as far as the kitchen at least.