on my bedside table: penguin popular classics
Posted in library August 13th, 2009 by pia


It’s been so long since I came in here to the (blog)house library to let you know what I’m reading. And the reason is that I am in the midst of writing my second book. I can’t read and write at the same time.

But! I love to read. So how to get around this? Well, I found a way. I have found that I can read French comics or childhood classics – I’ve noticed that if the books are written in old English or in another language altogether, then I can manage to get my reading fix without it interfering with my work. So lately I’ve been carrying around these penguin classics which I’ve been buying at WhSmith in Paris. I’ve just finished The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett which I hadn’t read for 20 years or more. What a fabulous, fabulous book. If you have not read this book then please, please do. It is incredibly inspiring. I forgot how great it is.

And now I am reading Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. I have never read this one, and so far, I’m loving it.

This little series of classics is great – perfect for traveling or carrying around in your handbag, cheap (only 3.40euro), and made from 100% recycled paper. I’m inspired by the books themselves, and I’m thinking I might make something from their pages once I’m finished. When I do, Ill be sure to show + tell my creation(s) here in the (blog)house.

a paris weekend: jour 3
Posted in paris, pia's photos August 13th, 2009 by pia


Moments enjoyed…


  • seeing my book on the shelf in whsmith.
  • a visit to the DIY, craft and art floors of the BHV.
  • an afternoon bath.
  • an apéro with dear friends and a cuddle with marie at chez prune.
  • sharing a delicious meal with said friends at the gorgeous Hotel du Nord.
a poster from Paris: Made By Hand…
Posted in paris: made by hand, pia's photos August 13th, 2009 by pia


…hanging in the window at whsmith in paris.

a paris weekend: part deux
Posted in paris, pia's photos August 12th, 2009 by pia


A Lazy Sunday in Paris. Moments enjoyed…

a paris weekend: part one…
Posted in paris, pia's photos August 12th, 2009 by pia

Last week I mentioned that I’d like to share with you some brief notes about what I got up to while in Paris the other weekend. I realise I possibly don’t do this enough here, and one of the reasons is because I was writing a book about Paris and had to keep all the good stuff secret! Now I don’t have to keep it all to myself. So the next few posts will be brief accounts of what I enjoyed each day on the last trip. These posts might make nice little additions to the Paris wanders you go on, make sure you follow the links for all the locations and info.

Saturday: arrived in Paris at 7pm. Moments enjoyed…


  • discovering a hidden away boutique wine cave (cellar), perusing their vast selection of well-priced French wines and enjoying a spontaneous degustation there before dinner.
  • following the thunderous and incredibly empowering rhythm of the african drum buskers in the chatelet metro before jumping on the RER.
  • an apéro with friends in their tranquil Paris garden under the night sky.