WOW! can you believe it’s been one whole year since I wrote my very first post!? approximately 400 posts + 7000 comments later, here we all are, regularly congregating in the little (blog)house. It has been so much fun hanging out with each of you. Your support & enthusiasm for my work has filled me with incredible energy.

In those 400 posts, in between regular posts we’ve seen little harriet come to life; explored 3 fabulous cities through soundscapes; wandered around my new hometown of amsterdam; peeked inside my old paris apartment; walked the streets of Paris while I write my Paris book; enjoyed my first ever impromptu (blog)concert; listened to my first ever full piano composition; had many a deep discussion about tibet; and had tea in my little Amsterdam houseboat. Not only that, we have all embarked on a journey to explore our wandering hearts. This for me is so very special, and next year I will be able to continue this project and reveal more about the My Heart Wanders book to come, as well as continue with all of the above.

But today, right now, I just want to say thank you for being here. And to do that, I have a rather beautiful little something just. for. you. But what is it?
Well, yesterday I mentioned that it was something über stylish. something unique. and something from Australia.
What I didn’t tell you is that it is gorgeous. it is hand made with love. and it has everything to do with the above photographs of one of my favourite designers in the world. This, mes chers amis, is…

The fabulous photograph you see above, taken by my friend, photographer Andrew Young is of an incredible seed vase from Dinosaur Designs, of which they have kindly offered for me to give to you to celebrate my one year blog anniversary.
This vase (click here to read the details about it), has come to be on the blog with the help of a couple of fabulous friends – while I’ve been busy with shoots in Amsterdam, I wasn’t sure how I could photograph the vase and get it here on the blog in time for the (blog)house anniversary, and then be able to have it in my hands to mail it to you. After all, it is on the other side of the world! But then it all came together – awesome andrew managed to pick up the vase on his motorbike the other night, then photographed it for me in his studio the next day, sent me the image that evening, then passed it to my friend and fabo stylist trish heagerty who is now minding it until I arrive in Sydney to pick it up to send to one of you!! Thank you Dinosaur, Andrew, and Trish, you all rock.
For your chance to be the lucky owner of this vase (I already envy you!!), all you need to do is comment on this post. That’s it! I want to be able to offer this to all my readers as my way of saying thank you for your company this year, so even if you don’t normally comment please do – all your names will go into a hat and I will pull out a name on christmas day (with the help of a special little helper). I will announce the winner and send it to you from Sydney to where ever you are in the world, so by 2009, you will be the proud owner of your very own piece of Dinosaur Designs.
WOWSERS! I do hope you are as excited about this as I am. bonne chance my dear friends, bonne chance!