As the day turns into night, we will hear our last soundscape for this series. Here, I take you with me into a most intimate moment: a time of evening when I am in Sydney, just before dinner. My Dad is cooking in the kitchen, my Mum is nearby and I decide to play a tune on the piano as the sky turns from pink to the deepest, darkest blue. I haven’t played this piano in a while and it is out of tune and dusty, which is quite how I like it. But now is the time I must let you know, I never play with an audience. I have only ever played for family and very close friends, and then, not even. So this is a very intimate moment…like opening a hidden away jewellery box and hearing a secret little song, this time, I play for each of you.
Please click the play button below…
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…and be patient while I prepare my seat. The night sky takes the stage…
…I lift the lid of my old friend…
…I click on the lamp…
…and I play. Just for you. Please enjoy…
**Update: If you’d like to hear more of my piano playing, please click here. Thank you. xx