not by lightening. not by fever. nor by hand… it happened the moment I found this image lurking in an old photo folder on my desktop…
I’m homesick. And I’ve been struck hard.
Why do I do it to myself, why did I have to come up with this water theme which lead me to finding this?
I took this photograph with my AE-1, and I remember it vividly. This represents home. It is Sydney life. My old Sydney life, hanging out on the Hawkesbury River, on a boat called the Avventura, waking up to this view. Okay, it’s not like we did this every day, but on the occassional weekend, all through summer, it’s what we did.
As soon as I saw this image this afternoon I could smell the crisp clean morning air, I could hear the cicadas getting their little wings ready for their incessant (but now so missed!) buzzing. I could feel the sea breeze play with my hair, and the sun touch my skin. Sweet memories. sweet seaside memories.
This is definately the soundtrack to this image. Definately.