I know, this have been a long wait. But it can all be explained by my mystery location…

… once upon a time, this was home…

and perhaps now you know why I am such a water baby: i was brought up by the seaside, on the sea shore, feet in sand and little body bobbing up and down between these beautiful waves…

and once upon a time i dated surfers, and sea men, I wrestled with sharks (okay, not) and dived with dolphins (okay once)…

isn’t it time for a soundtrack? lets pick this one ( you know the rules by now: click here, and come back to my post as you play this soundtrack in the background)…

This is Newport Beach, in Sydney, Australia. And I just landed. It’s been a whirlwind trip. A very unexpected one.
You see, I’m here to be with my Mum. You know the woman I’m talking about: I’ve mentioned her here, here and here (read bullet point number 4).

I am very thankful to my agency, and my clients back in Amsterdam for being so understanding and letting me postpone my shoots, to be with her.
So for the next few weeks, there will be no harriet (she is waiting for us back in amsterdam), there will be no soundscapes (although I will be collecting some and posting them with French Boy’s help when I get back to Amsterdam), and there will not be a whole lot of time to post. But will you still stop by as I show you where my other home is?
It is a rather emotional time as I meet with friends I have not seen for so long, as I catch up with family that I adore, and as I attempt to enhance my mum’s everyday. Will you come with me?

I have a few ideas of how to enhance my mum’s everyday, and one of them involves you (I shall reveal soon). Also, I’d like to show you the rest of the beaches of where I live – this is just one – there is a whole bunch of them that I call home, and I will show them all to you in the days to come. This next month will be water filled, and author’s note: this is where my dreams were born.
to be continued…