self portrait on a swing
Posted in nature, pia's photos January 4th, 2009 by piablog

you might be wondering how on earth I was able to run that far and hop on the swing before my self-timer went off? me too! somehow, I managed – I was always a good sprinter in school so maybe that helped. This was taken with my old Canon AE-1 film camera a few years back in beautiful Berry, NSW Australia, while staying on a friend’s stunning property. I went out for a walk around the paddocks and at sunset I found myself by this tree. It had a beautiful intensity and magic about it, and I just couldn’t say goodbye to this tree without capturing a special moment with it.

and off we go!
Posted in amsterdam, nature, pia's photos October 2nd, 2008 by piablog




No need to be alarmed. We are indeed, in Amsterdam. Welcome to one of the oldest Botanic Gardens in the world: de Hortus, right here in my neighbourhood. The above pictures are from the 3-climate greenhouse that is just one of the many highlights. The 3-climates being sub-tropical, tropical, and desert-dry. In other words, my kinda-climate. As soon as I walked into the space I recognised so many of the plants, I felt like I was home. And now that I’ve bought a pass to the gardens, I know exactly where I’ll be coming to get a dose of Aussie heat when it is the middle of winter here…



There is also the Palmhouse (seen above), another jaw-dropping structure that was built back in 1912 for Professor Hugo de Vries. And inside, I found this little set up you see below. My guess is that the last lecture was about how to grow herbs and vegetables in everyday left-over containers. How fabulous. It reminded me of why I have held on to my Milo tins…


Then there is the butterfly enclosure…


Just being amongst these beautiful creatures brings a smile to my face.



And oh, the succulents! For me, this wonderful hothouse was like being in a mini New Mexico. Well, very mini, but inspiring all the same.


The Orangery terrace café is also lovely, and French Boy and I indulged in a wonderful long Sunday lunch there, complete with wine and dessert.


I will be visiting this special place often and want to show you more of it’s features, but I couldn’t hold back any longer, I just had to show you what I found so far! There is so much to see at these gardens, and this is just a snippet for you, so I do hope you’ve enjoyed this little wander…


Author’s Note: Just after I finished writing this tonight we ducked out for some Indian at our local – being the first time I’d ventured outdoors for the day as it has been a rainy, windy, and all together damp day. But there appeared to be a break. So off we went. And we were out for no longer than 50 seconds before it started to pelt down. With hail. With hail!?!!

Check, please.

let’s go on an excursion…
Posted in amsterdam, nature, pia's photos October 1st, 2008 by piablog


…tomorrow! I’m going to take you somewhere rather special in Amsterdam but for now, I leave you with this beauty to give you a clue as to where we might be going. It’s bedtime in these here parts. so slaap lekker. Bonne nuit… et à demain!


soundscape series 3, part two: beachside
Posted in nature, pia's photos, soundscapes, sydney September 18th, 2008 by piablog


It’s early morning and the sun is shining. So let’s take a stroll to the other side of the peninsula where there is no land in sight for as far as the eye can see, and the ocean is wild and carefree.

Here the sea is anything but calm, yet it’s deafening voice stops all train of thought. Cast your woes to the waves and let your spirit fly, for this is the place where no boundaries lie. Perhaps you can build a sandcastle or watch for sea creatures. Or surf, dive, or cartwheel on the golden shore. It’s your moment. Do with it what you will.

Please click on the play button below to be whisked away, beachside….

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Posted in nature, pia's photos, sydney September 18th, 2008 by piablog



