a paris story…
Posted in paris, personal August 11th, 2009 by pia

French Boy and I have had a number of interesting adventures/dramas/scenarios in our relationship thus far, and many of these adventured/dramas/scenarios often have something to do with Paris. I think we will not be short of paris-themed stories to share with the grandkids, for instance.

One scenario comes to mind regularly, and still manages to crack me up. I thought it about time I share it with you.

It was when we went to Paris last year to photograph all the ateliers and interview the artisans for the book. French Boy had fabulously offered to be my assistant for the whole trip, and we were really looking forward to it even though I was secretly anxious about it, being my first book and all. After getting the numerous and very heavy backpacks on our backs, we finally made it out the door and trudged along to the tram stop. We looked at each other with relief to be on our way for this exciting adventure together, and we smiled at each other.

The next few moments went something like this:

Pia: Gees, I hope we didn’t forget anything.

FB, with twinkle in his eye and a smile that could melt an iceberg: We’re fine! We are off to Parrree!! As long as we have food and shelter we are set.

Pia: Well not really, if we don’t have the camera we are f#$%ed.

FB, smile turned to upsidedown-French-frown: You have it, right?

Pia: what are you talking about, YOU have it, don’t you?

Tram arrives. People getting on.

FB, twinkle gone, face white, enter latin drama , stage one: What? What!? What are you TALKING about?

Pia: I left it on the bed next to the bag for you to pack!

FB: I thought the camera was YOUR duty! It’s YOUR camera. I thought YOU were in charge of it?

Pia: What are you TALKING about?

FB: oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god.

I have already internally thanked my lucky stars that we had this incredibly serendipitous conversation before we’d left the vicinity of the city, and with plenty of time to get the next tram to get to the train to Paris. But before I can externalize my internal dialogue, French Boy’s bag flies off his back and he bolts across the road, running like a mad man back to le petit bateau. I can’t help but laugh at his dramatic and panic stricken exit (latin drama , stage two) and I try to yell out after him “PLEASE, don’t panic!”.

When he arrived back to the tram stop with camera in hand, the twinkle was back in his eyes, his smile was wide and we both broke out in hysteric laughter. Because seriously, if we had have forgotten the camera on that particular trip, we would have been f#$%ed.

Paris: Made By Hand: an interview…
Posted in paris: made by hand August 11th, 2009 by piablog

this is one of my favourite photos from the book. It’s from a gorgeous boutique in the 17th arr called french touche – you can view and purchase some of their collection online, click here to view more like this piece above.


There is a wonderful travel website called Wandering Educators. I hear they are the largest source of travel guide reviews on the internet and recently, they interviewed me. Yesterday, the article went live. Jessie the editor, asked me lots of great questions like “how did you find the treasures you share in the book?”, and “How has your life influenced your book?”, as well as, “What was the inspiration for Paris: Made by Hand?”.

I really love it when people ask me questions that I know the answers to.

Please click here to read the full article. Thank you Wandering Educators!


On a side note, I’m actually feeling a little sea sick for once while on le petit bateau – there is some construction work going on opposite on the canal and it is making my little home rock like it’s never rocked before. Right now I am holding my head and stomach, and trying to take deep breaths to quel my nausea. Why, oh why, are there these types of distractions when I am on a killer deadline?! Deep breaths.

my work-free weekend was…
Posted in amsterdam, the houseboat August 10th, 2009 by pia







…the best. And included sleep-ins, long-lazy breakfasts, sunshine, music, and a mojito.

thank you for the mention: inside out magazine!
Posted in (blog)house news, paris: made by hand August 10th, 2009 by pia

insideout1 Left: some gorgeous new page spreads from the latest issue of inside out, out now Right: a list of fab blogs mentioned in the latest issue…

While reading Ebony’s fab blog hello sandwich the other day, I was delighted to discover her post about Inside Out magazine mentioning a bunch of terrific blogs in their latest issue, and one of them was mine! I think this may be my very first magazine mention for my little (blog)house here. That’s special.

It was a great surprise to end my busy week, thank you Inside Out.  Also, I can’t wait to see their magazine redesign, apparently there are all sort of handmade touches added, and new fonts, and oh, it sounds marvellous…


If you have never been into the offices of a magazine, above is a pic of what you would see  – a wall of page spreads from the upcoming issue that the magazine team are working on. It’s one of my favourite sights – seeing the whole magazine on the wall like a work of art. This one above is from Inside Out, showing their page layout for the current issue. Cool non? Check out the Creative Director’s post about the magazine redesign here.

back home: sorting, cleaning, catching up…
Posted in paris, personal, pia's photos August 7th, 2009 by piablog



Well folks, after carting that cardboard creation across Northern Europe, I’m beat.

Thankfully it’s Friday and I think, for the first time in I don’t know how many weekends I am going to put my hand up and ‘just say no’. I am going to strive for a work-free weekend. I know, I know, there will be repercussions come Monday. But, I need the break. And also, I’m thinking “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” or in this case, the Northern Europeans – the Amsterdammers (and Parisians)(not to mention Italians) seem to just disappear for weeks on end in August – they shut up their shops, they leave their work, they leave all their responsibilities and just declare vacation. It’s something I find rather peculiar since these are two international cities but you know, whatever…


I will not be following suit and declaring vacation unfortunately as I have alot on and next week will be a killer, BUT, I think a work-free weekend is in order. What do you think?

Shall I don my summer dresses? Get out my straw hat? Put paper umbrellas in my ice tea and put my feet up?


I will still have to clean, sort, and tidy though as I have completely neglected my household duties over the last few weeks and the boat is unsightly, and barely livable.


Next week I want to tell you what I got up to in Paris each day I was there. I took lots of photos… some I will share here, some I will save for an upcoming project. I also bought something that I have been dying to show you, it’s been so inspiring for me.


I wonder what you will be doing this weekend? Any plans? Whatever you get up to mes chers amis, have a beautiful weekend.
