it’s tag time
Posted in handmade, personal, pia's photos July 23rd, 2008 by piablog


My new blog pal Cindy from Quaint Handmade tagged me a number of weeks ago. And to be honest, when i read the tag i thought: great balls of belching fire these are some pretty heavy questions! I have had a rather intense life, and i am a rather intense person (“apparently”), so for me, the following questions are pretty full on and difficult to fulfill without giving you a painfully long post. But here is my attempt, in brief, and I hope you can stick with me to the end…


I was 20. In my last year of Uni, working on my final film piece. I would have been in the midst of casting, and would have just met my female main, actress Felicity Hay. Back then Felicity was on lots of tv ads, played as an extra in Water Rats and other aussie dramas like that. I selected her out of 20 other actresses that were keen to play the role. She was so passionate about my film and gave me all her time, even when it was a non-paying part. Felicity was only 25 or so at the time. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 21 or so, and was well on her way of recovery. All her hair had grown back from the chemo, and i remember she had the most beautiful thick, dusty blonde hair. She was friends with Belinda Emmett at the time. I lost contact with Felicity some years after I finished my degree, and when I heard the sad news of Belinda passing away from her battle with breast cancer, it got me thinking about Felicity again, I’d love to get back in contact.

I was also going through a very traumatic break up with my first true love. The film was definitely a way of expressing the anguish and confusion I was going through.

and I was also about to meet my second true love (time went quick back then!!) who was to become the editor of my film (god bless his cotton pickin’ heart), my business partner, and a friend for the years to come.


My daily to-do lists are always longer than my arm but in brief, since I am working on a book right now my main goal is to finish it! Today I also have a meeting with a client at noon at my agency to discuss an upcoming job, and I am hoping to have a cuppa with my friend Riley at around 5. In between all of that I hope to find time to eat, organise a courier for a pick up from another shoot, and still get everything else done including prepping for shoots for the week and emailing clients new work. and blogging! washing the dishes and making dinner are not on my list today.


I am a snack-a-holic! So this list is long. But among my favourites are choc-chip cookies, muesli bars, bitterballen, cheese croquettes, wedges with sweet chilli sauce and sour cream, French Boy’s sardine butter on little toasts, apple with cheese and sultanas, a slice of my carrot and date loaf, a glass of ice cold milo. oh and did I mention chocolate? but you already knew that.




The list goes a little something like this:

Sydney, Australia
Montreal, Canada
West Chester, PA, USA
Rovereto, Italy
Paris, France
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


oh just six, this is the hardest question of them all as I want to know everything about all of you! But here is six, and ladies, if you don’t want to play I will not be offended I promise, just know that I think you’re great and enjoy your blogging company.

Esti from píntame el día.
Yoli from Musings.
Jo from Red Aprons.
Corine from Hidden in France.
Nadia from La Porte Rouge.
Leah from Hyena in Petticoats.

Thanks for being interested in my life Cindy, it’s nice to get to know you, and everyone thanks for listening! and girls if you do choose to play along, please feel free to use and link my tag pic and heading pics too. i put time into them so they might as well get a work out!

no, i don’t know who this man is:
Posted in paris, pia's photos July 21st, 2008 by piablog


Latin Quarter at sundown. Which reminds me of this song by Olivia. Love it.

and some things never change…
Posted in paris, pia's photos July 21st, 2008 by piablog


the pompidou’s presence…
Posted in paris, pia's photos July 21st, 2008 by piablog


I love the combination of the old and new in Paris. The city and it’s architects manage to embrace modernity and celebrate antiquity at the same time, finding a fabulous balance between the past and present. In this photograph I took yesterday, the centre pompidou materialises at the end of an ancient alleyway.

pretty paris wall
Posted in paris, pia's photos July 19th, 2008 by piablog

As I get deeper and deeper into the heart of paris, I am finding beauty in the most unexpected places. I adore the colour of this wall, and I’m not sure how well it translates in a photograph but while I was out walking around it just appeared before my eyes, and took my breath away…


Sorry for my lack of posts while I’ve been in Paris this time around. But the good news is that I have managed to capture a couple of lovely soundscapes, which I really hope you will like! I shall post them next week.

à bientot! xx

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