Our next guest has finally arrived, and as you can see, it hasn’t taken him long to get comfy…

Yep, this friend of mine is über stylish. Contrary to what the above image suggests, my new guest is tall, blonde and handsome, and he knows how to play “eye spy with my little eye” better than the rest of us.
Haven’t got a clue what I’m talking about? Let’s see if some visuals can give us a helping hand…
Before my guest got his hands on this beautiful Tommy Hilfiger image, it looked like this:

And after he waved his magic wand, it turned to this:

before his golden touch, and after…

and again…

Isn’t this fun? It’s called image manipulation, and it is this incredible expertise that my friend is, well, an expert at. Okay, okay, I won’t leave you in suspense any longer. Welcome to the (blog)house my dear friend, Marcus Thyer.

Marcus runs a company called Cave, and although he is based in Sydney he has been coming to Holland every 6 months or so to work on the Tommy Hillfiger campaigns, and of course, to come play with me! He is the one who ‘sold’ amsterdam to me – when I first arrived to check it out he showed me around, doubling me on my bike and taking me to all the best vintage clothes shops, bars and restaurants. He was also here for Queen’s Day, and he and I were busy snapping shots in between sipping rosé by the Prinsengracht and watching people fall into the canal. When with Marcus, I can’t help but have a fabulous time and his playful personality is evident in his work.
I have heaps more to share with you about Marcus, but all in good time, all in good time. We will also take a look at retouching, and image manipulation in television and print media while Marcus is with us. But for now, please welcome him to the guest quarters – go and sip a martini and watch the sunset or rise, depending on where you are in the world. Meanwhile Marcus, you sit back & relax, enjoy the view and the pampering. Would you like some more olives with that? Shall I top you up? I’ll just put the air con on, let me know if it gets a little too chilly in here…

All images courtesy of Cave.