Hi dear bloghouse readers,
Welcome in Pia’s kitchen: where I promised you last week I’d prepare another Rhubarb dish for you. I haven’t taken a picture of the rhubarb in our garden yet, but I made you a drawing instead…

And a recipe, of course, for a rhubarb compote: so yummy! Serve it chilled with hot custard; serve it hot with cinnamon ice cream; or at room-temperature with chilled HANGOP. This is a dutch desert that everyone should have eaten once in his life – I think – so I’ll give you the recipe for that too. ‘Hangop’ means ‘to hang up’, and thats exactly what you have to do with it. Anyway, I suggest strongly to try it out!
( psst: Pia and I are secretly working on a project where this would fit in perfectly, so now you know: still keep it as a surprise for the others…)
I just did a story about ‘local food in season’ for Elle Eten (Elle’s Dutch food magazine) and of course I included these recipes. They are my favorite food! Saskia van Osnabrugge took the picture and Annemiek Paarlberg did the styling, I did the food, but I guess you knew that already.
Good luck!

Rhubarb compote with Verrry Dutch: Hangop
for 8, preparation: 35 min (plus 1 night)
The sweet and sour compote works really well in combination with the fresh and creamy taste of hangop.
For the rhubarb compote:
1 ½ kg rhubarb, well cleaned and cut in pieces of about 1 cm
750 g sugar, or more to taste
2 cinnamon sticks
8 cardamom pods
2 vanilla sticks, halved and seeds scraped out
3 clementines or 2 oranges
For the hangop:
1 liter yoghurt
1 liter cream
the seeds from 1 vanilla pod
the grated peel of 1 lemon
100g icing sugar
(30 min plus 1 night period)
Fill a large baking tin with the rhubarb, sugar, cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla pods and seeds, mix well. Half the clementines, squeeze them over the rhubarb and tuck the peel in too. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake for about 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 ° C. Turn the rhubarbmix over so now and then. When cooked, take out of the oven and leave to cool completely overnight. This also marinates your compote, but you can eat it right away if you cant wait.
Meanwhile, spread a clean tea-towel out over a sieve. Put the sieve on top of a bucket or big bowl. Pour the yogurt in it and cover with a sheet of plastic film. Put the whole thing away in the basement or in another cool place in your house for a night or even longer.
The following day: beat the cream with the vanilla, the lemon-zest and sugar. Mix the yoghurt from your sieve (it will be stiff, like fresh cheese!) carefully with the whipped cream.
Remove the spices from the compote. Fill eight glasses halfway with the compote and spoon a big dollop of hangop on top. Serve immediately: you will be thrilled!