translation please…
Posted in amsterdam, personal, recent work December 9th, 2008 by piablog

Does anyone out there speak Dutch? If you do, perhaps you can help me translate this… i think it says something about me having a Dutch surname but not speaking Dutch. oh the irony. This is in the front section of the latest Maria magazine that just came out onto the newstands today. It is an honour to be on the contributors page, thank you for including me Maria!

So what’s this all about? Well, how about we turn to page 86 of the magazine and take a look…


PS I look a little serious here don’t i, i must make a point of working on my smiley face. 🙂

yellow love
Posted in personal, photographers, yellow November 18th, 2008 by piablog

It’s no secret that I am affected by the weather. And although it’s not my first time experiencing the Northern Hemisphere’s version of November (okay I’ve only lived through about half a dozen over the years), it still catches me unawares, everytime.

But somehow, I don’t think I’m the only one who suffers from a touch of the November blues. A few of you might be feeling the same way, so this week, to help us get through the rest of the month, I am going to attempt to turn those blues yellow by bathing all my posts in this beautiful vibrant colour. And since the falling leaves are all goldeny ’round these parts, I will head out later in the week and snap some photos of my favourite golden leafed streets in Amsterdam, just for you.

photographer: Chris Chen, images from here.

So let’s get started! Click here to learn a little more about the colour yellow.

what amsterdam means to me, part 2…
Posted in amsterdam, personal November 9th, 2008 by piablog

When I walk along the streets of my new hometown, I walk with my great grandmother, holding her grandson’s hand, half a century ago.

Going into Amsterdam together was a true delight for both of them – a very special date. It was usually around Christmas time when they would come in on the train from Leiderdorp. My great grandmother, who I called Nanny Bijkerk, would take her grandson to see the Christmas windows at the bijenkorf department store in dam square. Nanny Bijkerk would treat her grandson to lunch in the store restaurant which back then, was an extravagance. Then she would take him to Tuschinski’s to see a film. After the film they would stop at an olieballen stall and indulge in a sugary treat before heading back to Centraal Station and catching the train home.

When I walk along the streets of my new hometown, I walk with my Nanny Bijkerk. I look in the bijenkorf windows and see her reflection. I walk past Tuschinski’s and see her hand in hand with her grandson, walking up the staircase. I indulge in an afternoon treat of olieballen and feel her presence. I look down at my empty hand and see a boy look up at me, wide-eyed and happy. The boy looks just like me.

(to read part one, please click here.)

yesterday I held my breath…
Posted in personal November 5th, 2008 by piablog

…and my posts. No words would come out. No photos seemed sufficient. Hope-filled silence was all I could muster.

But today, I can breathe again.


PS I shall continue with my Amsterdam posts shortly! Just need to jump up and down and throw my fists up in the air in le petit bateau a little while longer.

PPS Photograph from here. and here.

a bit of blogging fun…
Posted in personal October 29th, 2008 by piablog

I am in the midst of putting together my autumn swap parcel for my swapee (or swapette?)… just a few extra touches and it should be ready to send off tomorrow, just in time. As the above image suggests, it may include a feather or two (I just love a feather or two, don’t you?). I will be sure to take a photo of it as requested before I put it in the mail.


images by photographer Sam McAdam, via Daily Imprint

And another bit of fun is this interview of me on Sydney journalist Natalie Walton’s gorgeous blog Daily Imprint! Natalie has a fab feature called burst of inspiration where she interviews artists, shop owners, and bloggers, and this time, she asked me. It is a real treat to be a part of her burst of inspiration feature. So please go and check it out , say hi, and read through her archives, she’s got lots of goodies! Thank you Natalie!

Now, I must get back to work. Believe it or not I am STILL organising props here on the boat.


PS You know I don’t post photos of myself on my blog, but if you are a little curious as to what I look like, you will find a pic of me as part of Natalie’s interview. Yes I’m a little camera shy, in case you haven’t already noticed.

PPS photos of my weekend trip coming up soon! And I MUST gather some etsy favourites for the week too! How time does fly when you’re having fun.