for breakfast: blueberries, crème fraîche, and honey…
Posted in food, pia's photos July 24th, 2009 by piablog


…I know it’s naughty, but it’s Friday, and Friday is the day for little treats, non? I made these photos for you as I ate them – the blueberries that is, not the photos.


Please enjoy. and don’t worry about cleaning up after yourself, alfred is here. (he told me to tell you that harriet is at flo’s. lucky girl).


for breakfast: homemade jams from france…
Posted in food, france, personal, pia's photos July 20th, 2009 by piablog


…the perfect way to start a monday morning, non? The jams were made from the fruits of French Boy’s childhood garden – cerises, abricots, and griottes. His mother made them and brought them with her on her recent visit.

This morning, while French Boy and I spooned mouthfuls onto our toast, he told me stories about his childhood garden, with trees full of cherries, plums, figs and apples. I would scarcely believe him if I hadn’t already seen the garden many times with my own eyes. It is magical to me, a world so different to my own. Like a secret garden.

I wonder if I might make a garden like this of my own one day. I dream of it often.

on the menu tonight…
Posted in food, pia's photos, the houseboat June 22nd, 2009 by piablog




…white asparagus with french mayonnaise (my favourite). Followed by lumaconi pasta with creme fraiche, garlic and chanterelles. Finishing with strawberries and little melted chocolate pots for dipping.

It’s Monday night! I feel decadent.

Especially since I’m not the one doing the cooking.



PS I am very busy this week, and in the weeks to come, but I have so much I want to share with you so every spare moment I get I will be right here in the (blog)house with you! I have some exciting things to show & tell…

petrina tinslay: the new almost vegetarian…
Posted in food, photographers May 13th, 2009 by piablog

I now have a little folder on my desktop filled with beautiful stories shot by Petrina Tinslay, with thanks to our numerous requests for more when Petrina shared her dubai story of images here in the (bloghouse) a month ago (thank you dear readers, and thank you dear Petrina!).

So today I thought I’d share one with you since it seems I’m on a food-lovin’ frenzy this week (oh spring, you do excite my tastebuds). Petrina shot this gorgeous story for Food & Wine magazine, which featured in the August 2008 issue. I love everything about it…

cooking up a storm with rhubarb and hangop
Posted in (blog)house news, food May 12th, 2009 by piablog

My dear friend Yvette is in da (blog)house kitchen this evening, cooking – and drawing – up a storm with rhubarb and a traditional Dutch dish called hangop. Now shock horror: I have never tasted hangop! I know, embarrassing. But Yvette just told me about it the other day and I was secretly wanting her to give me her secret recipe so I could make it. And she has! For you too! She is a sweetheart. Please welcome fabulous food stylist Yvette Van Boven back in the kitchen (click here to read her full post with photo and recipe).

encore merci ma chère Yvette!
