This year, I was asked by Victoria (aka Country Style editor-in-chief) if I’d like to write and style a monthly column in the ever-inspiring Country Style Magazine, along with my regular blog posts for their new blog. The answer of course was YES. Based on my ethos to “enhance the everyday”, the column is about living creatively, with simple projects and ideas that can be incorporated into your every day. My launch article has been featured in the very special Collector’s Christmas edition which is out now, showcasing my flower wall fashioned into a tree using gold washi tape, with piles of presents wrapped in found flora, vintage lace, hessian and raw silk ribbons.

Shooting the story was fun – it was great to be back in the studio. However, it was also pretty intense as Laly was only 6 months old and I didn’t have anyone available to mind her while I went on set. So she came with me, marking her first ever visit to a photographic studio! We were booked in at the studios for 2 hours, and I had visions of her playing quietly on her mat, goo-ing and ga-ing while Craig, Sam, and I worked. But that didn’t happen. She was very unsettled, and lovely Sam tried with the greatest effort to keep Laly calm while I styled but nothing would quieten her. So, as it happens when you’re on a shoot you do whatever you can to make the shot, I tied on the never-fail sleepy wrap, popped Laly inside and styled the shot with her. It was awkard, and exhausting, but we did it, and the photograph of the flower wall came out beautifully. With my hands completely full and my mind completely occupied, I wasn’t able to take behind-the-scenes photos of the set, but before we took all the props to the studio, I grabbed some quick iphone photos of the wrapped presents…

I loved using all the natural materials I could find around my home to adorn the brown paper parcels. I had also sourced beautiful screen-printed gift wrap from two of my favourite stores in Sydney – shelf/life and follow, both in Surry Hills. I used lengths of florence broadhurst printed fabric from signature prints, as well as silk and linen ribbons which came from Paper 2…

As part of my monthly column for Country Style, I will be highlighting a few of my current “link loves”. For this month I suggested the following sweet reads:
one claire day
che and fidel
kara rosenlund
pobke photography
sang the bird’s pinterest
All of these beautiful people inspire me so, I hope you’ll take the time to click on their links.
I’m excited to have the opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas with you monthly, in print, in such a gorgeous publication. And, with help, we’ll be sure to include some behind-the-scenes snaps to share too.
PS How is your holiday gift buying coming along? To get us into the holiday spirit, Jess from shelf/life has put together a fabulous gift guide which I can’t wait to share with you, it will be published here tonight, so stay tuned.