my heart wanders to melbourne…
Posted in my heart wanders April 18th, 2011 by pia

I love Melbourne. It’s one of those cities I always come away from feeling inspired. I’ve only been a handful of times in my life, and the last time was at least 5 years ago now, maybe more – however long ago it was, it’s been too long. So I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to take My Heart Wanders to Melbourne for a very special book launch event with Magnolia Square on April 3oth. For those who may not know already, Magnolia Square is a curated market place showcasing an amazing group of artisans and designers from around the country.  Each pop up market place has an event styling theme, and this one is ‘paper & thread’. I’ve been invited to style a space within the premises based on this theme, with inspiration from my book:


“Pia Jane Bijkerk will join us from 12 midday on Saturday 30th April where she will create her own lovely space, expressing a little glimpse of her special creativeness and chatting candidly about her work, life on a houseboat and of course, signing copies of her book.”


Exactly.  I am absolutely dying to meet as many creative Melbournites as possible while there – I’ve admired so many of you from afar over the last few years of being abroad, it’s time we meet, don’t you agree? Oh, please say yes.

When: 12 midday, Saturday, April 30, 2011
Where: Malvern Town Hall for Magnolia Square
What: styling, signing, chatting


This is going to be so much fun! Thank you lovely Nic at Magnolia Square for inviting me.

For more details, please click here.



paper cuts & cardboard cut outs…
Posted in my heart wanders, personal, sydney April 15th, 2011 by pia

I’ve been surrounded by boxes for days, knee deep in cardboard and packing paper. I’ve begun wearing gloves while I open and unwrap each item as I’ve been getting some seriously nasty paper cuts. But still, I am inspired.

All this unwrapping and flattening boxes has given me some wonderful ideas for upcoming book launch events. Lots and lots of ideas. Also, I’m very glad that my beautiful oak table from Paris passed quarantine…


other people’s houses…
Posted in interiors, london, photographers April 13th, 2011 by pia

Victoria came up with another brilliant idea for an exhibition (remember the last one?). This one is called other people’s houses: a photographic exploration of the places we choose to live.  I was invited to be one of the exhibitors, along with the original 1010 group, “reuniting to explore feelings of displacement, intimacy and voyeurism through photographs of the places we choose to live”. I took photographs of intimate moments in my new home.

other people’s houses will be exhibited at the CAMP, 70-74 City Rd, London, from May 5 – May 18. To go along to the opening night (which I think is going to be awesome fun!), you can rsvp here.

Again, with the wiggling of the nose… being in two places at once would be a welcomed bit of magic this coming month.

swarm gallery in London…
Posted in handmade, homewares, interiors, london, stores April 13th, 2011 by pia

Did you know that anthropologie in London (Kings Road)have a beautiful gallery space? And did you know that my friend Leslie – who is responsible for sending me that fabulous bag featured in my last post – has an exhibition of her wares in there right now? It’s times like these that I wish I could wiggle my nose and pop up just in front of that window, spending the afternoon wondering through the gallery, being inspired all the while…

I’ve known about the gallery exhibition for some time now as Leslie has been working on creating pieces for it for the last 6 months. And I’ve also been lucky enough to see all these pieces during the making of, so seeing these photos of the space all set up is super special…

If you are in London, I do hope you can find some time to go and visit the gallery to see all the amazing things made by swarm. The exhibition will be up until May 10th. In the meantime, you can also visit the anthroplogie online gallery which features more individual swarm pieces, with information and images on each creation.


All  photos are courtesy of Anthropologie, London.

how sweet is this…
Posted in my heart wanders, pia's photos April 13th, 2011 by pia

A gift from my faraway friend. Dank je wel sweet L. x