Ever since the lovely Cass from Haven Workroom told me about The Papered Parlour (just take a look at their website home page for starters), I’ve been smitten with this new independent craft venue for London – everything from the concept, to the artisans involved, and of course, the space.

This fabulous venture, founded by 2 young visual artists Clare and Louise, is based in Clapham and is inhabited by artists, designers, musicians and theatre practitioners. They have set up the space like a parlour, running workshops, hosting performances and displaying exhibitions while the artist studio is arranged in a communal way – shared work benches are placed in the centre of the space and individual work stations around the outside…

Clare says that when artists have a big project on and need a little more room they can book the workshop space during the week to complete projects.
“The studio was always intended as an antidote to art school where departments were kept separate and designers didn’t talk to fine artists” writes Clare, “It is now flourishing with activity and has a lovely atmosphere that’s made up from a mix of painters, illustrators, photographers, animators, milliners, textile artists, musicians and theatre designers all working alongside one another. ”

This year The Papered Parlour will be taking part in the London Design Festival as well as the Lambeth open studios in October. Check out their classes for upcoming workshops, parties and hires & booking terms for info on booking this fab space, and the artist studio to see who’s in there now, working away.

Congrats Clare and Louise for creating such a wonderful business and creative space. The Papered Parlour looks like just the type of place I’d love to find myself in, and I have no doubt your beautiful space will continue to flourish over the coming years, meanwhile I’ll be sure to come and visit soon.
Have a wonderful weekend, mes amis! I hope you enjoyed this mini series on new creative ventures. I hope these posts inspire you to visit these special places if you are in their vicinity, and also maybe to think about branching out on your own, making something with your own two hands – there is nothing more encouraging than visiting other people’s magical places to help you along the way.
The sun is shining here in Amsterdam and although I have no weekend to speak of with the book launch month approaching and my other lovely book to continue writing and photographing (I’m “flat out like a lizard drinking” as we say in Oz language), I won’t get to enjoy the sunshine. But, it has found it’s way into my little boat home studio via the dancing, sparkly water reflections on the ceiling and walls. So pretty! It’s enough to keep me inspired the whole weekend through.
all images courtesy of The Papered Parlour.