soundscape series finale: living on a houseboat, part one – rain
Posted in amsterdam, pia's photos, soundscapes, the houseboat July 4th, 2008 by piablog

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  1. sofia says

    what a zen delight 🙂 It’s pure poetry, lovely.
    The sound of birds it’s exactly what I hear every morning when I wake up, love it too!

    July 4th, 2008 | #

  2. sofia says

    oh forgot to tell you, look what I found while going to work this week 🙂

    July 4th, 2008 | #

  3. jo says

    this is so magical

    July 4th, 2008 | #

  4. steph says

    I just love how the raindrops disappear into the water with a ripple.

    July 4th, 2008 | #

  5. dell says

    these are both delightful. I have been making small movies to capture sounds while traveling and agree that the stills are the perfect accompaniment… these are beautiful, I love rain bouncing on water…

    July 5th, 2008 | #

  6. Esti says

    What a perfect series!! I love these water pictures!

    July 5th, 2008 | #

  7. dana says

    this made my day…thank you.

    July 6th, 2008 | #

  8. nadia says

    pia, i wanted to let you know how great this series have been…in the quietness of my room(montreal)i played these magical sounds or perhaps it is the sounds that made me feel like there was magic all around!

    July 7th, 2008 | #

  9. Jessie Cacciola says

    oh, i loved this little series — you are just too cute. 🙂
    – Jessie –

    July 8th, 2008 | #

  10. Lise says

    J’adore ces photos, Pia! Mystérieux et reposant… I don’t look at this site often enough… 🙂

    July 9th, 2008 | #

  11. Ana says

    This sound is so soothing and it is great to play and hide away the messy sounds downstairs: cars honking and speeding and noisy buses stopping and restarting.

    For a moment I thought I was somewhere else.

    July 9th, 2008 | #

  12. lynne says

    thank you!

    July 10th, 2008 | #

  13. eilandkind says

    oh, how beautiful.

    May 20th, 2009 | #

  14. craft lovely » Blog Archive » pia jane bijkerk ~ Houseboat says

    […] (*Also, listen to an audio clip she recorded from her houseboat during a summer rainstorm… it&#…) […]

    May 25th, 2009 | #

  15. Tyler says

    I could just listen to this all day! I envy you

    May 29th, 2009 | #

  16. sya says

    pia, this is pure bliss..

    August 22nd, 2011 | #

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