Posted in nature, pia's photos, the houseboat July 7th, 2009 by piablog



…so peaceful. So poetic. Floating in the canal at dusk…


have a great weekend!
Posted in photographers July 3rd, 2009 by piablog

Love. Jen’s. polaroids.

I will actually be at the beach tomorrow! Technically working, on a shoot, but still, it’s the beach, one can’t complain (unless of course the weather turns).

If you are having a July 4th bonanza, can you please tell me all about it? I just love hearing what everyone gets up to, it’s one of the funnest days of the year.

I have some special things to share with you next week. Oh oh oh! I’m really looking forward to next week.

Have a great weekend!

correspondence, or my lack thereof…
Posted in (blog)house news July 3rd, 2009 by piablog

3199484351_fb1e26bfa1 i found this postcard amongst a glorious old postcard collection from smabs sputzer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

In recent months I have received many many emails, every day. I’m so grateful for every single one of them. I love hearing from happy readers and adorers of my first book. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to wake up every morning and read such incredible compliments.

Today, I would just like to take this moment to let you know that I am unable to keep up with replies, and I’ve been holding off on stating this in a post because I was thinking at some point soon things would slow down and I’d be able to reply to each and every one of you like I used to be able to do. Things aren’t slowing down. So, i just wanted to let you know that if you have written me an email in the past few months – or more recently in the past few days – and you are waiting for a reply, please know that I’m not able to answer all my emails at this stage, and I want you to know that it is nothing personal at all, it’s just that I am extraordinarily busy with my work at the moment.

One of the questions that comes up alot in emails is how to become a stylist. Some of you may remember that I recently answered this question in large detail in an interview with Holly at Decor8, specifically for all those interested in trying a career as a stylist, please click here to read the full interview.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.


pallet daybeds are all the rage…
Posted in handmade, interiors July 3rd, 2009 by piablog

the music studio/guest room in our old Paris apartment which I photographed for Home Beautiful magazine last year…

Do you remember my pallet daybed from my Paris apartment story last year? We still have the daybed as you know, it is part of our houseboat here and it’s the perfect place to laze about on these perfectly hot summer days…
pjb_boat2-2by the way the boat has changed quite a bit since this photo was taken last summer! I’ve accumulated so much more stuff…agh…

Well this morning I was delighted to find one featured on Design*Sponge as a before and after! How cool! Ashley Ann’s daybed is beautiful, check it out…


I love that she has kept the pallets raw, only sanding them back so they are smooth to the touch. And her styling is fab.

Oh there is so so much you can do with pallets. Just the other day I was walking past a new store here in Amsterdam and noticed they have designed their entire space using pallets – even the counter desk is made from pallets! I will try to duck in and take some photos for you in coming weeks if I can.

Pallets rock.


In similar but totally different news, (blog)house reader Sofia left a comment the other day letting me know that she found my paris studio/guest room had been used as inspiration for a sim2 room! Now as you know, my knowledge of this technology is limited (of course I had to ask French Boy what ‘sim’ is… which he explained, which I still don’t understand…), but check it out, it’s pretty cool! Click here to view. Thanks for letting me know Sofia!


PS some of you know from my facebook fan page that I’m in agony with lower back pain right now. I’m trying to rest up but have so much to do that I have no choice but to push through it. Thanks for all your suggestions! The ice pack is working at dulling the pain, and I will keep this up throughout the day.

PPS I just found out that ashley wrote a great post about how she made her pallet bed! Please check it out here. Also photos of the full nursery here. So. Beautiful.

thank you for the mention: selvedge!
Posted in paris: made by hand July 2nd, 2009 by piablog


I was going to wait until tomorrow to show + tell you this one but I can’t wait. Beautiful Sarah (that’s what I have nicknamed her), who I mentioned in my last post, also sent me these pics which she took to show me that not only has BBC Homes & Antiques featured Paris: Made By Hand in this month’s issue, but also Selvedge! Wowsers!


I couldn’t wait to show you because I know how lots of you like Selvedge and also, i love Sarah’s fabulous styling of my book with the magazine, and wooden spools – perfect!

I’m also very excited about this page in the magazine because one of my favourite artisans from my book has also been featured – Alexia Hollinger. Can you see her bag there on the top right of the page? And wouldn’t you know it, I bought that exact bag on my last weekend trip to Paris. As soon as I walked into Alexia’s atelier boutique that bag, I swear, jumped right out and into my arms. I have been meaning to take some photos of it to show you. If you’ve read my book already, then you know about the other Alexia Hollinger bag I have.

Thank you again Beautiful Sarah, and thank you Selvedge.


All this attention could go to a girl’s head, you know.