yellow love
Posted in personal, photographers, yellow November 18th, 2008 by piablog

It’s no secret that I am affected by the weather. And although it’s not my first time experiencing the Northern Hemisphere’s version of November (okay I’ve only lived through about half a dozen over the years), it still catches me unawares, everytime.

But somehow, I don’t think I’m the only one who suffers from a touch of the November blues. A few of you might be feeling the same way, so this week, to help us get through the rest of the month, I am going to attempt to turn those blues yellow by bathing all my posts in this beautiful vibrant colour. And since the falling leaves are all goldeny ’round these parts, I will head out later in the week and snap some photos of my favourite golden leafed streets in Amsterdam, just for you.

photographer: Chris Chen, images from here.

So let’s get started! Click here to learn a little more about the colour yellow.

etsy, bathed in yellow…
Posted in etsy favourites, handmade, yellow November 17th, 2008 by piablog

How cool is this yellow lawn chair by Danna Ray. And also super cool is that with each item purchased, 10 trees will be planted through her partnership with Trees for the Future.

Handprinted Japanese maple tote bag from Lotta Helleberg – so simple and fresh, her other printed pieces are gorgeous too, check them out here.

Am loving the creative use of vintage wallpapers these days, and this sketchbook covered with liberty flower vintage wallpaper is beautiful. It’s handmade from draw flowers in Italy.

Thanks for stopping by for…

I have a theme for this week, perhaps you have guessed it already?
