harriet ponders…
Posted in pia's illustrations August 11th, 2008 by piablog


harriet knew that she always made the best decisions while sitting on her favourite chair, with cup of tea in hand. meanwhile, alfred remains to be the best butler a girl could ever want.

harriet’s confession
Posted in interiors, pia's illustrations August 8th, 2008 by piablog


Yep, this is my new passion – drawing little creatures in my photographs and making little stories out of them. I have a feeling you will be seeing more of these in the near future. Have a fabulous weekend!


dear room,
Posted in personal, pia's illustrations, sydney August 7th, 2008 by piablog


I know it’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed your company. And of course I do miss you, you know that. But right now I need your advice. Well first of all, do you mind that I drew all over you? You see, I’ve now discovered I can draw all over my photos. And, well, you know how I’ve always wanted to draw all over you but I wasn’t allowed? So you understand right?

But, well, let’s not dilly dally as time is of the essence and your advice means alot to me. You’ve been such a wonderful friend – you’ve always been there when I’ve needed you. You’ve never judged me, nor did you protest when my boyfriend(s) used to sneak through your window. When I was upset, you comforted me, and when I was scared, you wrapped me up like a cocoon, only allowing luscious streams of sunshine in, you made me feel so safe. However you must not be biased, okay – try not to let your emotions get in the way of your good sense. Because I know how much we love each other’s company, and this is really not about you. Or me.

I need you to tell me what to do: Is my place here, in le petit bateau, or right now, do I need to be there, with you, close to her.

Thank you, dear room. I look forward to your reply.

PS Thank you for looking after all my books while I’ve been away. You know how much that means to me since I have never let anyone else near them.

PPS and most of all, thank you for sharing yourself as a refuge. I know how much she loves your company too. She’ll be back soon. She will.

PPPS perhaps I took a little too much artistic license with my floral arrangement? It’s not exactly like the protea bouquet I left you with. I’ll try to be more subtle next time.
