photographer: Jude McConkey
Posted in photographers, yellow November 19th, 2008 by piablog

The Tapestry of Trees by Jude McConkey was taken just the other day in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan on a foggy cold Autumn morning. While processing the image, Jude explains that she placed a golden etched overlay on the scene in photoshop to give it a tapestry look. Not only does Jude have an etsy shop but also a beautiful website, check out more of her work here.

yellow love
Posted in personal, photographers, yellow November 18th, 2008 by piablog

It’s no secret that I am affected by the weather. And although it’s not my first time experiencing the Northern Hemisphere’s version of November (okay I’ve only lived through about half a dozen over the years), it still catches me unawares, everytime.

But somehow, I don’t think I’m the only one who suffers from a touch of the November blues. A few of you might be feeling the same way, so this week, to help us get through the rest of the month, I am going to attempt to turn those blues yellow by bathing all my posts in this beautiful vibrant colour. And since the falling leaves are all goldeny ’round these parts, I will head out later in the week and snap some photos of my favourite golden leafed streets in Amsterdam, just for you.

photographer: Chris Chen, images from here.

So let’s get started! Click here to learn a little more about the colour yellow.

show + tell: sydney symphony
Posted in photographers, sydney November 14th, 2008 by piablog

These images were created for the very awesome Sydney Symphony Orchestra. I love the concept – stunning portraits of the Sydney Symphony performers ‘billboarded’ (in post-production) on blank walls throughout Sydney. The landscape shots were taken by my good friend David Knight (remember I featured his work here and here). David has captured some of the most picturesque nooks and crannies of the city and I found myself guessing where all the shots were taken. Sydneysiders, do you want to play with me and guess along?

If you have not yet seen the Sydney Symphony Orchestra perform then you must! I have seen them a number of times and am enraptured with every performance. The 2009 season is now open. And if you’d like to know who were the masterminds behind these images, see below…

Agency: Moon Group, Sydney
Creative director: Linda Jukic, Senior Designer: Christopher Doyle
Photographers: Landscapes David Knight, portraits Anthony Geernaert
Retouching: Kerry at Cranky Mermaid

etsy faves…
Posted in etsy favourites, handmade, photographers October 22nd, 2008 by piablog

A quick etsy round up before I get some much needed sleep. These three beauties are this week’s favourites…

lobster and swan‘s little estate sales are such a fab idea – what a great gift for your craft loving friends!

michi design‘s sun bag: yes, please.

…and this from Mrs French’s etsy boutique, blissful images. oh la la.

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s installment of…

sweet dreams.

more fun (with fishing line this time)…
Posted in photographers, recent work October 10th, 2008 by piablog


This is a shoot I did with Dutch photographer Ingmar Swalue. It is featuring a new Dutch jewellery range called MIR, and I wanted to create something ethereal and delicate, in a gothic way. Hmm, I know this sounds rather contradictory, but welcome to the art directing world, where every description contradicts the previous one (it’s quite an art really, that’s why they are called ‘art’ directors hehehe)…


So this was shot in Ingmar’s studio in Rotterdam, and he has these fabulous little windows that I could not resist using, I just adore the soft light and the old, peeling paint and framework. You may also notice I’m going through a feather phase? And also a fishing line & twine phase – I’m very much loving ‘exposed styling’ – you know, instead of hiding all the fishing line and gaffa tape I use, I like to make it part of my vignette. It’s been something I’ve been exploring for some time now.



Isn’t the MIR jewellery range divine? I do love it so.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone! And thank you for all your beautiful comments through out the week. A few of you are still enjoying my mini piano concert I’ve noticed – thank you for letting me know, I’m so thrilled. And I will have a special treat for you next week! Until then, bon weekend!
