Photo credits, clockwise from top right: Anson Smart, bed – source unknown, Michelle Young (styled by me. that was such a fun shoot!), David Matheson (beautiful shutters), Paul Massey…
Photo credits from top left: interior design by Jaya Ibrahim from Island Style (from the sadly missed All Things Bright and Beautiful), Paul Massey, Anson Smart(the chair on the wharf), more from Jaya Ibrahim, and the boy sleeping on daybed is from Ingalill Smitt …
stunning bed, photographed by Jared Fowler, represented by Contacts. First spotted on the beautiful brabourne farm. I would happily rest in this bed after writing on that desk I mentioned earlier…
From top to bottom: Anson Smart, Michelle Young and Anson Smart.
Be sure to click on all the credit links above because there is plenty more inspiration to be found.
I do hope you’ve enjoyed my island living moodboard! No doubt this will not be the last.
PS oh sofia, great idea! here are some waves, just as you requested in your comment a moment ago. please click on the play button and enjoy…
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(click here for the original source of this soundscape)