The Dutch, I’ve noticed, have a thing for lace. I, on the other hand, have never had a thing for lace.
But I must say I’m beginning to develop a fondness for it in the home, if used carefully and considerately. I like the lace story photographed above by Dutch photographer Erik van Lokven (who is also the photographer of Yvette’s delish pork belly recipe now in the (blog)house kitchen). I would be very happy to soak in that tub and then doze in that bed, surrounded by all that soft, pretty lace-ness.
Hmm, now how to combine my island living leanings with my new love for lace? oooh i love a challenge!
9:17pm: i’ve just re-read this post – have you noticed I sway between including myself as aDutchie, and then not (as above), when convenient? And this weekend, thanks to the soccer/football, Amsterdam has been taken over by the Scots. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so many Scots in kilts in all my life. But due to their presence, it appears I’ve become a proud Scotswoman! because in recent months i’ve worked out i’m more scottish then anything else.
I thought you might find that interesting. or not.
9:24pm I was proud until I just saw a bunch of drunken Scots making absolute fools of themselves a moment ago…
9:26pm ok, I suppose this is why I should be on twitter, right?