dandelion crown…
Posted in child's play, DIY, yellow January 9th, 2014 by pia


The other day Laly and I went for a wander and picked some dandelions as we strolled.


When we got back home I braided them together to form a crown, pushing the shorter stemmed flowers into the weave as I braided. We didn’t have enough for a full crown so I made it a half crown, attaching it to a torn piece of floral cotton fabric.


Small creations give me such delight at the moment. And to see them enjoyed and appreciated by my little one swells my heart.


ma petite cuisinière…
Posted in child's play January 2nd, 2014 by pia

LouisC_Laly_Dec2013_IMG_1471photograph by Louis Couttoupes

My cousin Louis took this photo of Laly  the other day while visiting us. J’adore. xx
