everyday photos…
Posted in pia's photos, sydney February 1st, 2011 by pia


bush walk between newport beach and bilgola beach.

Since arriving in Sydney, with a to-do list longer than the sea is deep, I’m making sure to have fun in between commitments. The days are hot (36C!)(no idea what that is in Fahrenheit), so dips in the pool throughout the day have become my ‘tea break’.  As often as I have experienced it, it’s still pretty strange to have gone from living in minus degree weather to lots of degrees weather in a space of days.  And boy, does the sun down here shine! It’s just crazy beautiful. When Amsterdammers used to say to me in Amsterdam “oh wow, it’s such a sunny day today” and I’d look up at the sky and see a pale white ball of light desperately trying to break through the grey sky, I’d smile and secretly think “I’m sorry, but no, this is not what a sunny day really looks like”.  Australia is definitely where the sun lives…

the sun shining through the gum trees this morning.

In other fun news,  I decided to get an iphone as I needed a mobile phone here in Sydney. My ipod has been on the fritz for the last 2 years, and my G10 ‘everyday’ camera has been weighing heavy in my bag so I figure here is a 3 in 1. While I’m not quite into apps just yet, over the last few months I have been inspired by Susannah Conway’s instagr.am images so decided to download this free app to try it out. It’s pretty fun, I must say – every so often I take an image of something in my near vicinity that I find inspiring et voilà, it appears on my twitter account for all to see.  It’s a new way of enhancing the everyday…

heavily inspired by a floral design on a card I bought for my Mum while in Malaysia.

finds in my old wardrobe… left: a stack of books I can’t wait to read again, right: a rack of favourite vintage clothes that have stayed in Sydney all these years.

Above are some examples of what I have been posting on my instagr.am account. If you’d like to see more, you can sign up to follow me. But don’t ask me how you do that – I’m still new to this iphone and chances are, if you have one yourself then you know much more about it than me.

In more fun news, I’m in the midst of writing a post here in the (blog)house about my recent ‘island retreat’ experience – just looking at the photos sends me into a state of bliss, I hope it will do the same for you. It will be up next.


PS. oh yeah, and I’m on a mission to curb my use of exclamation marks. Perhaps you already noticed in this post? But it makes me feel like I’m writing monotonously. So then I’m on a mission to find another way to add expression in my words without the use of the overused exclamation mark. Hmmm…all this in the name of fun…