For the last few months I’ve been feeling like life is flying by, and I know from past experience that when I have that feeling, it’s a sign that I am super stressed out. It means that I am letting things get out of control, overwhelm me, instead of taking things step by step.
Step 1 – Understand where you are living from…
If you are living from your head, you just get dizzier and dizzier, until you eventually fall over. If you live from your centre, it is easier to focus on what is important to you and let everything else drop away.
Step 2 – Connect with what is important to you…
The first thing you need to do is create a vision for yourself, your family and your children. Next have a look at where you are expending your energy. Are you doing the things you love or the things you feel you should do? Are you nurturing and caring for yourself and your family or looking after everyone else? What are you doing to create a peaceful and harmonious home? Another useful tip is to look at your world through the eyes of your children.
Step 3 – Stick to your vision…
The final step is to stay focused on your vision. So when any new opportunity comes your way you can easily decide if it’s really what you want to do.
It is also important to learn to say no; schedule your time with lots of space to just hang with yourself, your partner and your children; and remember to look after your health.
I hope you find these little steps as useful as I do. I can see there is lots I need to work on, especially the saying ‘no’ bit, and making time to hang out with myself. Life is full of lessons, non?
Thank you Karin!