a paris weekend: dernier jour
Posted in paris, pia's photos August 14th, 2009 by pia


Moments enjoyed…

  • seeing the fruits of my labour (and breathing a sigh of relief at it’s completion).
  • buying a copy of The Secret Garden to send to my mum.
  • being interviewed like a star.
  • lunch at Louis Philippe (and seeing French Boy’s eyes sparkle at first bite of his boeuf bourguignon).
  • parler avec “le pere” en francais dans un petit cafe.
  • wandering the streets and finding new-to-me old quiet streets.
  • flying through the racks at Free’p’star and scoring 4 great vintage numbers for 10euro a piece (including a little french jumpsuit. If you ask nicely I might be brave and show + tell).


Oh Paris! I look forward to spending the weekend with you again sometime.  ne m’oublie pas…

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  1. Melissa says

    Oh please do show and tell, Pia. Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top!

    August 14th, 2009 | #

  2. heather c. says

    wow – I sure needed these images today to brighten my mood. Thanks Pia! They are wonderful. Happy weekend!

    August 14th, 2009 | #

  3. valeria says

    veramente bellisimo! please do show!

    August 14th, 2009 | #

  4. Andi says

    That 1st photo is tres bien!!!!! And pleeeeeease show us a photo of the jumpsuit.

    August 14th, 2009 | #

  5. Gaboushka says

    This top picture is just too much sitting here in grey London. If I get on the Eurostar I could be there in time for afternoon tea…

    August 15th, 2009 | #

  6. Anna says

    lower photo looks like la place ste catherine, one of my favorite little spots (and so near calligrane). oh, qu’est-ce que paris me manque!

    August 21st, 2009 | #

  7. MK says

    I have recently come across your website for the umpteenth time and will be bookmarking it now for future reference. I am in love with your entire site from the typeface you use to your images of Paris. I lived in Paris for two years and your book would have been a perfect companion. I know of a cafe that looks very similar to the one above. Pray tell, where that photo was taken?

    February 8th, 2010 | #

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