inspiration: Sally Mann
Posted in my heart wanders, nature, photographers May 27th, 2008 by piablog


“…the things that are close to you, are the things you can photograph the best…”


“…and unless you photograph what you love, you are not going to make good art.”


“it’s always been my philosophy to try to make art out of the everyday and ordinary…it never occurred to me to leave home to make art.”


A few weeks ago I watched a documentary. And it took hold of my soul so swiftly, that it has taken me this long to tell you about it. What Remains: The Life and Work of Sally Mann by Steven Cantor is engaging to say the least. It is so raw, Steven manages to take you right into Sally’s world, and even though you are not sure you want to be there, you are captivated, you can’t let go. Working soley with an 8 x 10 large format camera, Sally’s work is beyond words. She captures life and death in a way I never thought possible. I will say no more, but if you haven’t already seen this doco then watch the trailer here, and get your hands on a copy of the dvd here.

Sally’s philosophy about her art resonates deep within me. She is certainly an inspiration for My Heart Wanders. Think about her words above when you capture your wandering heart in the coming days.

For more info on Sally, click here and here.

All images and quotes by Sally Mann.

forming a new habit
Posted in my heart wanders May 27th, 2008 by piablog


i am rather enjoying this chalkboard countdown, are you? perhaps not so much, but for me it has become a new habit that i sit at the kitchen table in the morning while i wait for the kettle to boil, and draw away. I try not to think too much about what I want to draw, I just let it flow. Which is why some days will be more inspired than others… such is, the days of our lives. oh, i crack myself up.

Polly, put the kettle back on, love.

shall i stop there?

20 days to go to let your heart show…
Posted in my heart wanders, photographers May 27th, 2008 by piablog

that is possibly the weakest rhyming title i’ve ever come up with. and it’s not my best chalk drawing ever, but i’m thinking they will get better once the week gets going.


Here is another sneak peek of what has come in over the last week or so…

mhw_jenaltman_sub1.jpg from super talented photographer Jenifer Altman. I am addicted to Jen’s work and am thrilled she took the time to create these for My Heart Wanders. Thank you Jen!


mhw_maryfreeman_sub1.jpgand this beauty from Mary Freeman who was alerted to the project by her daughter. Mary explains that while hiking among the dunes in Central Coast California with her husband she spotted a heart shape formed naturally in the sand from the wind, having blown around this small scrub tree creating this beautiful shape. Yes Mary, what a magical discovery! And beautifully shot too, thank you for your submission.

Meanwhile, I am propped up in bed having come down with a flu over the past 48 hours. My self-diagnosis tells me its from wearing too many hats at the same time. My self-medication is loads of vitamins, a cup of tea (yes, Alfred made it for me, gotta love him), toast with vegemite, plenty of tissues and staying warm and cosy. Okay, and I’ve removed one hat for the day (the stylist one), but the rest I just can’t part with. So I’ll be writing my little heart out today in bed, and no doubt will be back with goodies for you this afternoon.

I will try not to breath on y’all.

could my heart still be here
Posted in my heart wanders, paris, pia's photos May 25th, 2008 by piablog


maybe just a little piece of it still lingers in the old paris abode. well, you can see for yourself, it’s made it’s mark.

a My Heart Wanders sneak peek
Posted in my heart wanders, photographers May 25th, 2008 by piablog


stunning submission from Nadia a.k.a La Porte Rouge. Thank you Nadia.