My Heart Wanders inspiration…
Posted in my heart wanders, pia's photos February 15th, 2008 by piablog

Photograph by Pia Jane Bijkerk.

To round up the week of My Heart Wanders inspiration (and what a week of loving inspiration it’s been!), I snapped this photograph for you to help your ideas flow. The ‘wandering heart’ in the image is a ‘three of hearts’ playing card that I use as a bookmark. The vintage set of cards was given to me by someone very special – these cards were from his childhood some 60 or so years ago and as he was clearing away items from his attic (thankfully I was there at the time!), he thought I might like them. And yes I do. I use this particular card as a bookmark so that I am reminded of him and all the wonderful times associated with him.

I hope this inspires you to submit something for the book. Click here to read more about the project. I will be announcing the submission deadline next week. If you can, take some time to browse through the My Heart Wanders posts and all the inspiring links attached to the posts. In your submission don’t forget to include your heart in an interior/exterior setting – find a place that best shows off your little wandering heart.

All contact details and submission criteria are in the artist studio for you.

I’ve had alot of fun this week with you all, and now I am off for a little snowy secret break for the weekend – no internet 🙁 , no tv, no traffic. Hopefully I will have some beautiful photographs for show and tell.

Have a fabulous weekend everybody! I miss you already.

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  1. Mary-Laure says

    Enjoy your week end, dear Pia, and come back with pictures aplenty please!

    February 15th, 2008 | #

  2. all the best says

    Have a wonderful time!!

    February 15th, 2008 | #

  3. joslyn says

    have a lovely trip Pia Jane…sounds like the perfect way to recharge. i love being unplugged every once in a while!


    February 15th, 2008 | #

  4. Julie says

    Have a lovely weekend, Pia!

    February 16th, 2008 | #

  5. marie says

    have a lovely wintery weekend!

    February 16th, 2008 | #

  6. lynne says

    enjoy your snow:)

    February 16th, 2008 | #

  7. joanna goddard says

    have a wonderful weekend! i know, i get antsy without internet, too….i think i’m a little addicted! xo joanna

    February 17th, 2008 | #

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