invaded by nature…
Posted in amsterdam, nature August 18th, 2009 by pia

PJB_invadedbynaturethis is one of my favourite sights outside my kitchen window.

Is there anything more glorious than seeing nature run wild in a city? It brings a smile to my face – the raw truth that no matter how much man tries to control his surroundings, nature will always be the ruler of this Earth.

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  1. Paris Parfait says

    That is a lovely sight! Reminds me of a place in Thailand, where giant roots of trees threaten to upturn the buildings long ago constructed over them. xo

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  2. Lauren says

    Thank you for inspiring me with your beautiful images Pia, sometimes I really need it as officeland gets really dull (commercial interior design). You have helped me see beauty in the everyday too! Thanks

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  3. TERI REES WANG says

    I always wondered why Marijuana activist didn’t just drop seeds the cracks in the sidewalks to make the mission progress to the masses.

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  4. pia says

    Teri – perhaps they have, but it doesn’t grow, or police come and chop it down. Although I see quite a few of the bushes growing on people’s balconies here without any interference from the law!

    Lauren – you’re welcome, and thank you for stopping by to let me know. I love that I have helped you see beauty in the everyday, I couldn’t want for more.

    Paris Parfait – nice. I would love to see more flowering vines grow up the sides of buildings and creep into people’s windows. Wouldn’t these cities look all the more beautiful for it? The air would be cleaner too, and we could all breath a little easier.

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  5. Andi says

    I agree with this sentiment so much!!! When I lived in NYC I would always love seeing how nature would invade the “concrete jungle.” 🙂

    What a pretty view you have from your kitchen window. I love how the light is hitting the flowers!

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  6. cindy says

    this is wonderful, pia! the plants look so precarious hanging on the wall above the water. i love to find nature creeping out of places it’s not meant to be.

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  7. beauty comma says

    you’re right about that! i love the sight of dandelions pushing their way up through the asphalt in spring.
    pia, i’ve stopped blogging as The Deco Detective and started a brand new blog (last sunday…) you’re welcome to stop by!

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  8. pia says

    wow trudi, your new blog is looking swish! Thanks for letting me know about it. Can’t wait to see what you post (love your posts thus far!)

    cindy – me too.

    Andi – jungle vs jungle! It is a pretty view, although right now there is a bit of construction happening opposite the boat so it’s not as pretty as usual. Ironic because it was a small piece of untamed land and the owners have decided to bulldoze it and pave it with stone and wood. No doubt it will be pretty in some way but I will miss the overgrowth – I used to watch all sort of creatures pottering around in there, I hope these creatures have found themselves a new home. 🙁

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  9. Michelle says

    Wow, that’s a powerful statement. I love it. This is how it should be. City can be city, but it should always be infused with nature. <3

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  10. jennifer m says

    this is just so gorgeous..the image and what it represents..
    i could stare at it all day.

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  11. sammy says

    oh, rosebay willowherb, one of my favourites … it’s growing all around us here in Devon at the moment.

    August 18th, 2009 | #

  12. AmeeshaLee says


    August 18th, 2009 | #

  13. emily says

    How lovely! I fully agree that nature will always win.

    August 19th, 2009 | #

  14. Joli says

    I love spotting nature sprouting in the concrete jungle. I always see ferns in the old buildings here in Buenos Aires.

    August 19th, 2009 | #

  15. beauty comma says

    thank you so much pia=)

    August 19th, 2009 | #

  16. Brittany Noel says

    I completely agree. Detroit is a really good place to see how nature comes back. There are so many abandoned buildings and abandoned lots. So much of the city is field, it’s a really great place to see local wildflowers!

    August 20th, 2009 | #

  17. Freshly Found says

    What a view! I love the tenacity of nature. I live in a suburb outside Durban South Africa – and I was intrigued to see a large slice of wood cut as stepping stones to our post box – sprouting a little green shoot. We had to stop it – otherwise we would not be able to get to our postbox!

    August 20th, 2009 | #

  18. Amanda Nicole says

    Love! That was one of my favourite things about visiting Ireland: all the flowering growth bursting through ancient stones.

    August 20th, 2009 | #

  19. MsUnreliable says

    The colours are absolutely stunning! The brick wall I’m facing just has the occasional sprout of moss greens and dark greys…I wonder if I can somehow plant a few native wildflowers or ferns…

    August 30th, 2009 | #

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