happily distracted…
Posted in personal, pia's photos July 17th, 2009 by piablog

I made this spontaneous little love letter for you know who and then framed it. He adores it, and as soon as he saw it he said “oh, this reminds me of Harriet“. I thought that was sweet and I asked, “Do you miss Harriet?” and he said oui. I miss her too. Perhaps she will come out to play again sometime. I know she is waiting for me to be not so busy, then she will come to visit us again. She’s very thoughtful that way.

PJB_boatwindowsillin case you can’t see this far away it says “je t’aime”. The words are sewn on a scrap bit of brown wrapping paper…

It’s Friday afternoon, the sun is out, and as I sit here working at my desk on le petit bateau, I am listening to the soft lapping of the water outside my window made from passing paddleboaters. The weekend beckons.

I’m also listening to some piano that I recorded earlier today – as my facebook readers know, I have been heavily distracted today – pottering around instead of getting into my work, and recording new piano pieces instead of doing what I’m supposed to be doing. But, I’ve learnt, this is how I work. My schedule is only a guideline, and rules are meant to be broken. Lists are not boundaries, and everything is for a reason, no matter how inconsequential, or distractive, it seems at the time. I’m at peace with my way of creating things nowadays. Years ago I would berate myself for not following guidelines to their exactness, but I can’t say I was more productive when I did. So these days, I let things flow – through, up, over and under – confident that I will get my tasks done, no matter what, all in good time.

Have a thoughtful, inspiring weekend, mes chers amis. Enjoy every moment, and I will too.


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  1. The Deco Detective says

    This is lovely. Both the little picture and the text! I need to be reminded about this – there are so many things that keep yelling at us that they need to be done, but sometimes the yelling is just done by ourselves. So I’m leaving my bills behind and going to a milonga to dance Argentine tango instead…
    Have a beautiful weekend Pia.

    July 17th, 2009 | #

  2. Melissa says

    Before I read any of your words, I also thought of Harriet when I saw this!

    July 17th, 2009 | #

  3. Amanda Nicole says

    Ooo, Harriet sounds intriguing! Happy weekend!

    July 17th, 2009 | #

  4. Joanna says

    What a beautiful, thought-provoking post. Here’s to a fabulous weekend, wherever it may take you!

    July 17th, 2009 | #

  5. TERI REES WANG says

    Be well.
    Be safe.
    Be sane.
    Be joyful.
    Be in the “Now”.

    July 17th, 2009 | #

  6. Kelly says

    How sweet! Those words really rang true to me – I have printed them out and posted on my inspiration board as a reminder that lists and schedules aren’t everything! Thank you xx

    July 18th, 2009 | #

  7. Kelly says

    LOVE your book by the way – Received my copy a little while in the post. Beautiful! Wish I had it when I was in Paris last year xx

    July 18th, 2009 | #

  8. Maia says

    “The flow” is a wonderful epiphany – especially when you’ve tried other methods and found them wanting. Your talent is adequate proof that your method is solid. OX

    July 18th, 2009 | #

  9. Amanda says

    A very thoughtful & perceptive post Pia. Great advice that I think we should all take on board, especially on the days when we are so busy & yet feel that nothing has been achieved! Everything indeed happens for a reason.

    July 18th, 2009 | #

  10. Andi says

    I think it’s important to let yourself be distracted from time to time! Hey, you never know where your wandering mind will lead you…possibly a beautiful new discovery!?

    What a lovely tribute to your special someone. 🙂

    July 18th, 2009 | #

  11. Raina says

    Pia, I just wanted to mention that I purchased your book. It is available here in Calgary at our local Indigo-Chapters outlet. I am so very much enjoying browsing through it. The photos are beautiful and gave me a little bit of shutterbug fever today. Well done….it is a seriously fab book.

    July 19th, 2009 | #

  12. cricket says

    oh so true Pia…
    But you got there. You got to the place where you know that the guilt is non productive, and that the artist needs the time to let the head wander. Best for all.

    July 19th, 2009 | #

  13. Emily in Philaelphia says

    Miss Pia,

    I am very happy that I found your site on Design*Sponge and really look forward to each new post. Your little human observations make a lovely artistic blog (which can seem a little impersonal) so accessible. Looking forward to seeing your book and flipping through it in person. Cheers.

    July 20th, 2009 | #

  14. Brittany Noel says

    That embroidery is so sweet! I love that you gathered (sort of) all of the thread ends. And what a poignant reminder for us not to beat ourselves up over little distractions.

    July 21st, 2009 | #

  15. Bali Beach Bunny says

    i adore the love letter. the straight line into the mess and the madness – with the most important message of all coming out clear {and pretty}.

    the words below were so right too. straight lines are not natural. linear work isn’t either. creativity and achievement comes from taking that little detour. when the mind is a little more challenged and a little more free.

    p.s. j’aime ton/ta(?) blog.

    July 21st, 2009 | #

  16. Courtney says

    Oh, sweet Harriet– that is thoughtful of her to wait until you aren’t too busy for a visit. I think I work quite like you, but I haven’t completely gotten past occasionally berating myself when things don’t go completely according to plan. I need to work on that one I suppose. Have a great weekend!

    July 25th, 2009 | #

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