Christmas mini trips: part 1
Posted in amsterdam, mini trips December 20th, 2007 by piablog


You may have gathered from my last very australian related posts that I may be missing my birth home just a little bit at this time of year. But it is just a little bit, becuase I am absolutely loving my new home: Amsterdam. I have been dying to show you my favourite canal, all lit up. So last night after work I dashed out with my camera and tripod and snapped some shots for you. I am now nursing my frost-bitten finger tips but worth the effort, I just wish you were with me, I could have used a hand and someone to make me laugh while I froze!


There is something about this specific place, standing on this very bridge, that just inspires me so much. And when i first noticed the christmas lights a month or so ago, my heart skipped a beat. Screeching to a halt on my bike I stood there for a moment or two and just sighed. It is breathtaking to me, and I’m not sure I’ve been able to really capture everything I feel and see. Imagine all the window lights in those gorgeous little crooked buildings, and seeing people’s interiors all lit up, showing off their magnificent bookshelves filled to the brim with books books books. Imagine beautiful pine christmas trees filled with tiny lights…


And then imagine the hustle and bustle of the passer-bys on their bikes, in little cars and brisk walkers hurrying home to a hot meal.


And with this little series of shots I begin my christmas mini trips with you where I will be taking you with me over the next 24 hours from amsterdam, paris, and then eastern france. I really hope you enjoy the journey.


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  1. irene says

    …seeing these beautiful images makes me homesick…amsterdam will always be my hometown…thank you so much for showing them…enjoy your Holidays in Amsterdam like I will enjoy mine in Kuala Lumpur…funny isn’t it!

    December 20th, 2007 | #

  2. piablog says

    I hope I haven’t made you too homesick Irene, I do love this city and am looking forward to showcasing some more of my finds, as well as sharing so many that you have shown me too!

    December 24th, 2007 | #

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