beaut image from John White’s rippa collection
Well folks, this is it. In one week’s time , on January 26th it will be Australia Day. And what does that mean? It means fireworks, it means ‘snags on the barbie’, and plenty of ‘grog’. It means celebrating a beautiful country, with a beautiful people of colour, diversity and multiple cultures. Yep, Australia Day means alot to me. A real lot. A real rippa rollin’ lolly pollin’ lot. Because, well, it means something else too…
And what’s more…
Oh yes sir-ee bob. I have only one week left of my twenties, and I want to kick on outta this decade with some noise people… LET’S ROCK THIS BLOGOSPHERE LIKE IT’S NEVER ROCKED BEFORE!
I actually have no idea how to do that, I just thought I’d mention it.
I’ve come up with a few fabbo posts though that I’ll be divulging all in good time. And in celebration of entering my thirdfourth!(argh!) decade, and since I am so far away from my ‘homeland’ and moreover, my family, I thought I’d take this opportunity to celebrate my aussieness. So, for this week you will be drowned with aussie lingo. You may not understand a word of it but that’s going to be all the more fun, we are going to bring the (blog)house down with our Aussie Aussie Aussie -oi oi oi-ness. I’d also like you to practice your Aussie accents this week, with all your friends. French Boy has already started, and in a gorgeous French accent he has almost perfected ‘you beauty mate!’ which cracks me up and makes me very proud. According to French Boy, I don’t have a very Australian accent as it seems the combination of my multi-cultured ancestry and living abroad for a large part of my life has interferred with that. So this week I too will be putting on the thickest Aussie accent possible. There will be no beating around the bush with my pansy international accent this week. Not at all, i’m going out with my dillybag amongst the jarrah and i’m gonna yabber while I yakka, aaaaaall daaaaaaay looooooong.
So enjoy it here in the (blog)house, have a dingo’s breakfast (immediate translation: a piss, a scratch and a good look around), and let’s party!!!
PS. self-indulgent random facts coming up next.
PPS. all suggestions on how to rock the blogosphere for a week are welcomed.
PPS all aussie lingo in comments appreciated as I actually don’t know much, i have to look it up in a book. i know, i’m really a poor excuse for an aussie, but who’s judging, it’s my bloody birthday so stuff ya!