Past, Present and Future by Cath Conroy…
Posted in guest quarters July 29th, 2010 by pia

(the following post was written and photographed by (blog)house guest Cath Conroy…)

I have a confession to make. I am one of those people who perpetually lives life in the past or future. Like most humans I have a tendency to focus on where I’m going rather than where I am right now.

My partner* on the other hand is content to while away an entire day lying in the grass, staring at the sky and thinking of nothing but cloud gazing. He is the poster child for Eckhardt Tolle. Me – always worrying away about time I’ve wasted, bills to pay, where I’m headed next and who I’ll be in the future.

The great thing about travel is you have to go with the flow. Trains late, hotels booked out, wrong turn – you really can’t do much about it but let go and enjoy the moment for what it is.

I have been promising to dig up these photo’s of my travels in Japan for Pia for ages (thanks for your patience Pia!). What struck me as I looked through them was how at peace I was in the moment.  They hold a special place in my heart and I can still feel the sense of stillness and contentment that I felt whilst taking them. A good reminder to stop and smell the roses and appreciate all the special moments I have here in my new home.

* A funny note about the term partner. The other day I was visiting my physio for the 4th time who finally felt appropriate to ask what “she” does for a living. Apparently boyfriend is the more common term here and partner is reserved for the gay community. Not that I mind but sigh, another faux pas on my list of living in a new country!!

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  1. Chantelle says

    Beautiful post Cath! I think traveling has been so good for you. It can put life in perspective and makes you appreciate time and everyday life more. I hope you and the “partner” are well x

    July 30th, 2010 | #

  2. Catherine says

    Aw thanks Chantelle. How funny I just left a comment on your blog and then came straight here! I really look forward to my daily read over at little things xx

    July 31st, 2010 | #

  3. parisbreakfast says

    So true about travel being full of unexpected surprises…
    when things go as you plan, it’s an exception, but the adventure is so worth it.
    At home I know what to expect, but it’s not nearly as much fun…
    Lovely shots

    August 3rd, 2010 | #

  4. Catherine says

    Thank you Carol, so glad you enjoyed the shots. It was such a special time to have nothing but my partner and an open itinerary. I will treasure the memories always and hope for some new adventures to come!

    August 7th, 2010 | #

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