an inspiration: weaving old into new…
Posted in handmade, homewares, trend June 27th, 2008 by piablog


So where was I… oh yes, my obsession with the work of weavers! Another weaving studio which I am smitten with is that of Kelly Stewart and Kenny Nix – the lovely couple who have created the Gene Straus Design Weaving Studio. They have an extensive online gallery and I have been perusing it over the past few weeks, imagining them looming away, coming up with new ideas and fashioning loose threads into woven treasures. There is such a personal touch to their website – writing about how each piece was formed and what it was formed from – you see, Kelly and Kenny create rugs from tossed away clothing and scrap wool selvages. There is so much work to strip the fabrics into usable threads, let alone the amount of time and energy into creating the designs and starting the production, making each of their handwoven rugs unique yet so affordable.

What you see above has been made from old denim jeans which I think is just amazing. I imagine this rug on white wooden floorboards at an entrance way. In fact, I imagine alot of their designs in white spaces, creating warmth, depth and texture. Weaving old into new – I love it.

Click here to peruse their collection.

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  1. Kelly Stewart says

    Hi Pia,
    Thank you so much for including us in your post,its the ultimate
    compliment to us,and our work,have a great weekend!
    Kelly & Kenny

    June 27th, 2008 | #

  2. Laura says

    Oh, I love this idea of weaving old into new! There is so much “stuff” around, that recycling in a clever and useful way is something we should do more often.

    June 27th, 2008 | #

  3. pia says

    kelly you are so welcome! it is my pleasure, i look forward to seeing your new work, so please keep me informed.

    laura, i could not agree more. thanks for stopping by!


    July 1st, 2008 | #

  4. Lori says

    Kelly and Ken,
    I’ve seen and touched your beautiful rugs at shows in Cloudcroft NM…Gorgeous! I hear your coming to Ruidoso NM later this month for the Ruidoso Art Festival? I hope to see you and your wovens there!


    July 4th, 2008 | #

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