Posted in africa, artists January 6th, 2008 by piablog


The young and extraordinarily talented artist, Dawn Okoro. Need I say more. Check out her website, she also has a very active myspace you can link to from her website, worth a look see.


I found Dawn’s link on Afropolitans, merci à vous.

Beverly from Afropolitans also keeps me regularly updated with the Kenyan crisis. This is what we have learnt and gathered thus far:

  • The fighting is calming down.
  • It appears Kenyans are refusing to be pawns between both sides and it’s hard to see how they will except anything less than true democracy after this.
  • Kibaki is now saying that he will except a coalition government, recount, or new election but the catch is the court has to order these things, and Kibaki has stacked the courts so high with his croonies, its hard to see if fairness can be achieved. This is why it is KEY for international pressure to increase and to monitor the courts actions.
  • Best Case Scenerio: Kibaki and Odinga form an INTERIM not Coalition government (these guys can’t work together) and hold new elections.
  • So, if you haven’t already done so, please sign the petition. A few days ago it started at 5, it is now up to over 8000 signatures. We need more signatures to show that the international community is fully aware of the crisis and will not sit back and let this happen – not in Kenya, and not ANYWHERE in the world. The fighting is already quelling, so let’s keep the pressure on so that it stops altogether, and a realistic and peaceful resolution can be achieved swiftly.

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    1. All Things Bright and Beautiful says

      Dear Pia – good on you for bringing the real world into our cyber world of visuals 🙂

      January 8th, 2008 | #

    2. All Things Bright and Beautiful says

      IE Kenya!! 🙂

      January 8th, 2008 | #

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